spot 2.12.2
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cspot::internal::_32acc< bool >
 Cspot::internal::_32acc< SPOT_MAX_ACCSETS==8 *sizeof(unsigned)>
 Cspot::internal::_32acc< true >
 Cspot::acc_condAn acceptance condition
 Cspot::acc_cond::acc_wordA "node" in an acceptance formulas
 Cspot::acdAlternating Cycle Decomposition implementation
 Cspot::aigA class representing AIG circuits
 Cspot::internal::all_edge_iterator< Graph >
 Cspot::internal::all_trans< Graph >
 Cspot::automaton_stream_parserParse a stream of automata
 Cspot::barand< gen >Compute pseudo-random integer value between 0 and n included, following a binomial distribution with probability p
 Choayy::parser::basic_symbol< by_state >
 Cspot::bdd_dictMap BDD variables to formulae
 Cspot::bdd_hashHash functor for BDDs
 Cspot::bdd_less_thanComparison functor for BDDs
 Cspot::bdd_less_than_stableComparison functor for BDDs
 Cspot::bfs_stepsMake a BFS in a spot::tgba to compute a twa_run::steps
 Cspot::bitset< N >
 Cspot::bitset< SPOT_MAX_ACCSETS/(8 *sizeof(unsigned))>
 Cspot::bitvectA bit vector
 Cspot::internal::boxed_label< Data, boxed >
 Choayy::parser::by_kindType access provider for token (enum) based symbols
 Ctlyy::parser::by_kindType access provider for token (enum) based symbols
 Cspot::char_ptr_less_thanStrict Weak Ordering for char*
 Cspot::couvreur99_check_statusThe status of the emptiness-check on success
 Cspot::cspins_iteratorThis class provides an iterator over the successors of a state. All successors are computed once when an iterator is recycled or created
 Cspot::cspins_state_equalThis class provides the ability to compare two states
 Cspot::cspins_state_hashThis class provides the ability to hash a state
 Cspot::cspins_state_managerThe management of states (i.e. allocation/deallocation) can be painless since every time we have to consider wether the state will be compressed or not. This class aims to simplify this management
 Cspot::cstateClass for thread-safe states
 Cspot::digraph< State_Data, Edge_Data >A directed graph
 Cspot::digraph< cstate, transition >
 Cspot::digraph< kripke_graph_state, void >
 Cspot::digraph< twa_graph_state, twa_graph_edge_data >
 Cspot::ec_statsThis structure contains, for each thread, the collected information during the traversal
 Cspot::internal::edge_iterator< Graph >
 Cspot::edge_separatorSeparate edges so that their labels are disjoint
 Cspot::edge_separator_filter< subsumed >
 Cspot::emptiness_check_instantiatorDynamically create emptiness checks. Given their name and options
 Cspot::emptiness_check_resultThe result of an emptiness check
 Cspot::enumerate_cyclesEnumerate elementary cycles in a SCC
 Cspot::environmentAn environment that describes atomic propositions
 Cspot::internal::first_is_base_of< Of, Args >
 Cspot::internal::first_is_base_of< Of, Arg1, Args... >
 Cspot::fixed_size_pool< Kind >A fixed-size memory pool implementation
 Cspot::fixed_size_pool< pool_type::Safe >
 Cspot::fixed_size_pool< pool_type::Unsafe >
 Cspot::fnodeActual storage for formula nodes
 Cspot::fnv< T, Enable >Struct for Fowler-Noll-Vo parameters
 Cspot::fnv< T, typename std::enable_if< sizeof(T)==4 >::type >Fowler-Noll-Vo hash parameters for 32 bits
 Cspot::fnv< T, typename std::enable_if< sizeof(T)==8 >::type >Fowler-Noll-Vo hash parameters for 64 bits
 Cspot::formulaMain class for temporal logic formula
 Cspot::formula::formula_child_iteratorAllow iterating over children
 Cstd::hash< spot::acc_cond::mark_t >
 Cstd::hash< spot::bitset< N > >
 Cstd::hash< spot::formula >
 Cspot::hoa_alias_formaterHelp printing BDDs as text, using aliases
 Cspot::identity_hash< T >A hash function that returns identity
 Cspot::int_unionfindThis Union-Find data structure is a particular union-find, dedicated for emptiness checks below, see ec.hh. The key of this union-find is int. Moreover, we suppose that only consecutive int are inserted. This union-find includes most of the classical optimisations (IPC, LR, PC, MS)
 Cspot::is_a_kripkecube_ptr< T, State, SuccIter >This class allows to ensure (at compile time) if a given parameter is of type kripkecube. It also check if the iterator has the good interface
 Cspot::is_a_mc_algorithm< T >This class allows to ensure (at compile time) if a given parameter can be considered as a modelchecking algorithm (i.e., usable by instantiate)
 Cspot::isomorphism_checkerCheck if two automata are isomorphic
 Cspot::iterable_uf< State, StateHash, StateEqual >
 Cspot::iterable_uf_ec< State, StateHash, StateEqual >
 Cspot::edge_separator_filter< subsumed >::iterator
 Cspot::kripkecube< cspins_state, cspins_iterator >
 Cspot::kripkecube_to_twa< State, SuccIterator, StateHash, StateEqual >Convert a (cube) model into a twa. Note that this algorithm cannot be run in parallel but could
 Cspot::language_containment_checkerCheck containment between LTL formulae
 Cspot::lpar13< State, SuccIterator, StateHash, StateEqual >This class implements the sequential emptiness check as presented in "Three SCC-based Emptiness Checks for Generalized Büchi Automata" (Renault et al, LPAR 2013). Among the three emptiness checks that have been proposed, we opted to implement yGabow's one
 Cspot::mealy_likeA struct that represents different types of mealy like objects
 Cspot::minato_isopGenerate an irredundant sum-of-products (ISOP) form of a BDD function
 Cspot::multiple_size_poolA multiple-size memory pool implementation
 Cspot::named_graph< Graph, State_Name, Name_Hash, Name_Equal >
 Cspot::option_mapManage a map of options
 Cspot::output_aborterHelper object to specify when an algorithm should abort its construction
 Cspot::parallel_policyThis class is used to tell parallel algorithms what resources they may use
 Cspot::parsed_autResult of the automaton parser
 Cspot::parsed_formulaThe result of a formula parser
 Choayy::parserA Bison parser
 Ctlyy::parserA Bison parser
 Cspot::postprocessorWrap TGBA/BA/Monitor post-processing algorithms in an easy interface
 Cspot::process_timerStruct used to start and stop both timer and stopwatch clocks
 Cspot::product_to_twa< State, SuccIterator, StateHash, StateEqual >Convert a (cube) product automaton into a twa Note that this algorithm cannot be run in parallel
 Cspot::ptr_hash< T >A hash function for pointers
 Cspot::random_formulaBase class for random formula generators
 Cspot::realizability_simplifierSimplify a reactive specification, preserving realizability
 Cspot::reduce_parity_dataInternal data computed by the reduce_parity function
 Cspot::acc_cond::rs_pairRabin/streett pairs used by is_rabin_like and is_streett_like
 Cspot::satsolverInterface with a SAT solver
 Cspot::scc_and_mark_filterCreate a filter for SCC and marks
 Cspot::internal::scc_edge_iterator< Graph, Filter >
 Cspot::internal::scc_edges< Graph, Filter >
 Cspot::scc_infoCompute an SCC map and gather assorted information
 Cspot::scc_info_nodeStorage for SCC related information
 Choayy::parser::stack< T, S >::slicePresent a slice of the top of a stack
 Ctlyy::parser::stack< T, S >::slicePresent a slice of the top of a stack
 Cspot::spins_interfaceImplementation of the PINS interface. This class is a wrapper that, given a file, will compile it w.r.t the PINS interface. The class can then be manipulated transparently whatever the input format considered
 Cspot::stateAbstract class for states
 Cspot::internal::state_out< Graph >
 Cspot::state_ptr_equalAn Equivalence Relation for state*
 Cspot::state_ptr_hashHash Function for state*
 Cspot::state_ptr_less_thanStrict Weak Ordering for state*
 Cspot::state_shared_ptr_equalAn Equivalence Relation for shared_state (shared_ptr<const state*>)
 Cspot::state_shared_ptr_hashHash Function for shared_state (shared_ptr<const state*>)
 Cspot::state_shared_ptr_less_thanStrict Weak Ordering for shared_state (shared_ptr<const state*>)
 Cspot::state_unicity_tableRender state pointers unique via a hash table
 Cspot::stopwatchA simple stopwatch
 Cspot::internal::succ_iteratorHelper structure to iterate over the successors of a state using the on-the-fly interface
 Cspot::swarmed_bloemen< State, SuccIterator, StateHash, StateEqual >This class implements the SCC decomposition algorithm of bloemen as described in PPOPP'16. It uses a shared union-find augmented to manage work stealing between threads
 Cspot::swarmed_bloemen_ec< State, SuccIterator, StateHash, StateEqual >This class implements the SCC decomposition algorithm of bloemen as described in PPOPP'16. It uses a shared union-find augmented to manage work stealing between threads
 Cspot::swarmed_cndfs< State, SuccIterator, StateHash, StateEqual >
 Cspot::swarmed_deadlock< State, SuccIterator, StateHash, StateEqual, Deadlock >This class aims to explore a model to detect wether it contains a deadlock. This deadlock detection performs a DFS traversal sharing information shared among multiple threads. If Deadlock equals std::true_type performs deadlock algorithm, otherwise perform a simple reachability
 Choayy::parser::symbol_kindSymbol kinds
 Ctlyy::parser::symbol_kindSymbol kinds
 Cspot::synthesis_infoBenchmarking data and options for synthesis
 Cspot::taA Testing Automaton
 Cspot::ta_reachable_iteratorIterate over all reachable states of a spot::ta
 Cspot::time_infoA structure to record elapsed time in clock ticks
 Cspot::timer_mapA map of timer, where each timer has a name
 Cspot::tl_simplifierRewrite or simplify f in various ways
 Cspot::to_parity_optionsOptions to control various optimizations of to_parity()
 Cspot::kripkecube_to_twa< State, SuccIterator, StateHash, StateEqual >::todo__element
 Choayy::parser::tokenToken kinds
 Ctlyy::parser::tokenToken kinds
 Cspot::state_ta_explicit::transitionExplicit transitions
 Cspot::taa_tgba::transitionExplicit transitions
 Cspot::transitionClass for representing a transition
 Cspot::trivalA class implementing Kleene's three-valued logic
 Cspot::twa_graph_edge_dataData attached to edges of a twa_graph
 Cspot::twa_reachable_iteratorIterate over all reachable states of a spot::tgba
 Cspot::twa_reachable_iterator_depth_firstIterate over all states of an automaton using a DFS
 Cspot::twa_runAn accepted run, for a twa
 Cspot::internal::twa_succ_iterableHelper class to iterate over the successors of a state using the on-the-fly interface
 Cspot::twa_succ_iteratorIterate over the successors of a state
 Cspot::twa_wordAn infinite word stored as a lasso
 Cspot::iterable_uf< State, StateHash, StateEqual >::uf_elementRepresents a Union-Find element
 Cspot::iterable_uf_ec< State, StateHash, StateEqual >::uf_elementRepresents a Union-Find element
 Cspot::iterable_uf< State, StateHash, StateEqual >::uf_element_hasherThe hasher for the previous uf_element. Shortcut to ease shared map manipulation
 Cspot::iterable_uf_ec< State, StateHash, StateEqual >::uf_element_hasherThe hasher for the previous uf_element. Shortcut to ease shared map manipulation
 Cspot::unabbreviatorClone and rewrite a formula to remove specified operators logical operators
 Cspot::internal::univ_dest_mapper< G >
 Choayy::parser::value_typeSymbol semantic values
 Cspot::zielonka_treeZielonka Tree implementation

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Generated on Fri Feb 27 2015 10:00:07 for spot by doxygen 1.9.4