spot 2.12.2
Public Attributes | List of all members
spot::synthesis_info::bench_var Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for spot::synthesis_info::bench_var:

Public Attributes

double total_time = 0.0
double trans_time = 0.0
double split_time = 0.0
double paritize_time = 0.0
double solve_time = 0.0
double strat2aut_time = 0.0
double simplify_strat_time = 0.0
double aig_time = 0.0
unsigned nb_states_arena = 0
unsigned nb_states_arena_env = 0
unsigned nb_strat_states = 0
unsigned nb_strat_edges = 0
unsigned nb_simpl_strat_states = 0
unsigned nb_simpl_strat_edges = 0
unsigned nb_latches = 0
unsigned nb_gates = 0
bool realizable = false

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Generated on Fri Feb 27 2015 10:00:07 for spot by doxygen 1.9.4