spot 2.12.2
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hoayy_support::result_ Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for hoayy_support::result_:


struct  prop_info
struct  state_info

Public Member Functions

prop_info prop_is_true (const std::string &p)
prop_info prop_is_false (const std::string &p)

Public Attributes

spot::parsed_aut_ptr h
spot::twa_ptr aut_or_ks
spot::automaton_parser_options opts
std::string format_version
spot::location format_version_loc
formula_cache fcache
named_tgba_tnamer = nullptr
spot::acc_mapper_int * acc_mapper = nullptr
std::vector< int > ap
std::vector< int > controllable_ap
bool has_controllable_ap = false
std::vector< spot::location > controllable_ap_loc
spot::location controllable_aps_loc
std::vector< bdd > guards
std::vector< bdd >::const_iterator cur_guard
int unknown_ap_max = -1
spot::location unknown_ap_max_location
bool in_alias = false
map_t dest_map
std::vector< state_infoinfo_states
std::vector< unsigned > edge_map
std::vector< std::pair< spot::location, std::vector< unsigned > > > start
std::unordered_map< std::string, bdd > alias
std::vector< std::string > alias_order
std::unordered_map< std::string, prop_infoprops
spot::location states_loc
spot::location ap_loc
spot::location state_label_loc
spot::location accset_loc
spot::acc_cond::mark_t acc_state
spot::acc_cond::mark_t neg_acc_sets = {}
spot::acc_cond::mark_t pos_acc_sets = {}
int plus
int minus
std::vector< std::string > * state_names = nullptr
std::map< unsigned, unsigned > * highlight_edges = nullptr
std::map< unsigned, unsigned > * highlight_states = nullptr
std::map< unsigned, unsigned > states_map
std::vector< bool > * state_player = nullptr
spot::location state_player_loc
std::set< int > ap_set
unsigned cur_state
int states = -1
int ap_count = -1
int accset = -1
bdd state_label
bdd cur_label
bool has_state_label = false
bool ignore_more_ap = false
bool ignore_acc = false
bool ignore_acc_silent = false
bool ignore_more_acc = false
label_style_t label_style = Mixed_Labels
acc_style_t acc_style = Mixed_Acc
bool accept_all_needed = false
bool accept_all_seen = false
bool aliased_states = false
spot::trival universal = spot::trival::maybe()
spot::trival existential = spot::trival::maybe()
spot::trival complete = spot::trival::maybe()
bool trans_acc_seen = false
std::map< std::string, spot::location > labels

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Generated on Fri Feb 27 2015 10:00:07 for spot by doxygen 1.9.4