Parsing and Printing LTL Formulas

Table of Contents

Our first task is to read formulas and print them in another syntax.

Shell command

Using ltlfilt, you can easily read an LTL formula in one syntax, and output it in another syntax. By default, the parser will accept a formula in any infix syntax, but if the input is in the prefix syntax of LBT, you should use --lbt-input. The output syntax is controlled using different options such as (--spin, --lbt, --latex, etc.). Full parentheses can also be requested using -p.

ltlfilt -f '[]<>p0 || <>[]p1'
formula='& & G p0 p1 p2'
ltlfilt --lbt-input -f "$formula" --latex
ltlfilt --lbt-input -f "$formula" --lbt
ltlfilt --lbt-input -f "$formula" --spin -p
GFp0 | FGp1
p_{1} \land p_{2} \land \G p_{0}
& & p1 p2 G p0
(p1) && (p2) && ([](p0))

The reason the LBT parser has to be explicitly enabled is because of some corner cases that have different meanings in the two syntaxes. (For instance t and f are the true and false constants in LBT's syntax, but they are considered as atomic propositions in all the other syntaxes.)

Python bindings

Here are the same operations in Python

import spot
print(spot.formula('[]<>p0 || <>[]p1'))
f = spot.formula('& & G p0 p1 p2')
print(f.to_str('spin', parenth=True))
GFp0 | FGp1
p_{1} \land p_{2} \land \G p_{0}
& & p1 p2 G p0
(p1) && (p2) && ([](p0))

The spot.formula function wraps the calls to the two formula parsers of Spot. It first tries to parse the formula using infix syntaxes, and if it fails, it tries to parse it with the prefix parser. (So this might fail to correctly interpret t or f if you are processing a list of LBT formulas.) Using spot.formula, parse errors are returned as an exception.


Simple wrapper for the two parsers

We first start with the easy parser interface, similar to the one used above in the python bindings. Here parse errors would be returned as exceptions.

#include <iostream>
#include <spot/tl/parse.hh>
#include <spot/tl/print.hh>

int main()
  std::cout << spot::parse_formula("[]<>p0 || <>[]p1") << '\n';
  spot::formula f = spot::parse_formula("& & G p0 p1 p2");
  print_latex_psl(std::cout, f) << '\n';
  print_lbt_ltl(std::cout, f) << '\n';
  print_spin_ltl(std::cout, f, true) << '\n';
  return 0;

After compiling and executing we get:

GFp0 | FGp1
p_{1} \land p_{2} \land \G p_{0}
& & p1 p2 G p0
(p1) && (p2) && ([](p0))

Notice that, except for the << operator, the different output routines specify in their name the syntax to use for output, and the type of formula they can output. Here we are only using LTL formulas for demonstration, and PSL is a superset of LTL, so those three output functions are all OK with that. The routine used by << is print_psl(), the default syntax used by Spot.

We do not recommend using the parse_formula() interface because of the potential formulas (like f or t) that have different meanings in the two parsers that are tried.

Instead, depending on whether you want to parse formulas with infix syntax, or formulas with prefix syntax, you should call the appropriate parser. Additionally, this give you control over how to print errors.

Calling the infix parser explicitly

Here is how to call the infix parser explicitly:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <spot/tl/parse.hh>
#include <spot/tl/print.hh>

int main()
  std::string input = "[]<>p0 || <>[]p1";
  spot::parsed_formula pf = spot::parse_infix_psl(input);
  if (pf.format_errors(std::cerr))
    return 1;
  std::cout << pf.f << '\n';
  return 0;
GFp0 | FGp1

Note that as its name implies, this parser can read more than LTL formulas: the fragment of PSL we support is basically LTL extended with regular expressions. (Refer to the temporal logic specifications for the syntax and semantics.)

The parse_infix_psl() function processes input, and returns a spot::parsed_formula object. In addition to the spot::formula we desire (stored as the spot::parsed_formula::f attribute), the spot::parsed_formula also stores any diagnostic collected during the parsing. Those diagnostics are stored in the spot::parsed_formula::errors attribute, but they can conveniently be printed by calling the spot::parsed_formula::format_errors() method: this method returns true if and only if a diagnostic was output, so this is usually used to abort the program with an error status as above.

The parser usually tries to do some error recovery, so the f attribute can be non-null even if some parsing errors were returned. For instance if you have input (a U b)) the parser will complain about the extra parenthesis, but it will still return a formula that is equivalent to a U b. You could decide to continue with the "fixed" formula if you wish. Here is an example:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <spot/tl/parse.hh>
#include <spot/tl/print.hh>

int main()
  std::string input = "(a U b))";
  spot::parsed_formula pf = spot::parse_infix_psl(input);
  // Use std::cout instead of std::cerr because we can only
  // show the output of std::cout in this documentation.
  (void) pf.format_errors(std::cout);
  if (pf.f == nullptr)
    return 1;
  std::cout << "Parsed formula: " << pf.f << '\n';
  return 0;
>>> (a U b))
syntax error, unexpected closing parenthesis

>>> (a U b))
ignoring trailing garbage

Parsed formula: a U b

The formula pf.f would only be returned as null when the parser really cannot recover anything.

Calling the prefix parser explicitly

The only difference here is the call to parse_prefix_ltl() instead of parse_infix_psl().

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <spot/tl/parse.hh>
#include <spot/tl/print.hh>

int main()
  std::string input = "& & G p0 p1 p2";
  spot::parsed_formula pf = spot::parse_prefix_ltl(input);
  if (pf.format_errors(std::cerr))
    return 1;
  spot::formula f = pf.f;
  print_latex_psl(std::cout, f) << '\n';
  print_lbt_ltl(std::cout, f) << '\n';
  print_spin_ltl(std::cout, f, true) << '\n';
  return 0;
p_{1} \land p_{2} \land \G p_{0}
& & p1 p2 G p0
(p1) && (p2) && ([](p0))

Additional Comments


LTL is a subset of PSL as far as Spot is concerned, so you can parse an LTL formula with parse_infix_psl(), and later print it with for instance print_spin_ltl() (which, as its name implies, can only print LTL formulas). There is no parse_infix_ltl() function because you can simply use parse_infix_psl() to parse LTL formulas.

There is a potential problem if you design a tool that only works with LTL formulas, but call parse_infix_psl() to parse user input. In that case, the user might input a PSL formula and cause problem down the line.

For instance, let's see what happens if a PSL formulas is passed to print_spin_ltl:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <spot/tl/parse.hh>
#include <spot/tl/print.hh>

int main()
  std::string input = "{a*;b}<>->(a U (b & GF c))";
  spot::parsed_formula pf = spot::parse_infix_psl(input);
  if (pf.format_errors(std::cerr))
    return 1;
  print_spin_ltl(std::cout, pf.f) << '\n';
  return 0;
{a[*];b}<>-> (a U (b && []<>c))

The output is a 'best effort' output. The LTL subformulas have been rewritten, but the PSL-specific part (the SERE and <>-> operator) are output in the only syntax Spot knows, definitively not Spin-compatible.

If that is unwanted, here are two possible solutions.

The first is to simply diagnose non-LTL formulas.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <spot/tl/parse.hh>
#include <spot/tl/print.hh>

int main()
  std::string input = "{a*;b}<>->(a U (b & GF c))";
  spot::parsed_formula pf = spot::parse_infix_psl(input);
  if (pf.format_errors(std::cerr))
    return 1;
  spot::formula f = pf.f;
  if (!f.is_ltl_formula())
      std::cerr << "Only LTL formulas are supported.\n";
      return 1;
  print_spin_ltl(std::cout, f) << '\n';
  return 0;

A second (but slightly weird) idea would be to try to simplify the PSL formula, and hope that the simplifier is able to come up with an equivalent LTL formula. This does not always work, so you need to be prepared to reject the formula anyway. In our example, we are lucky (maybe because it was carefully chosen…):

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <spot/tl/parse.hh>
#include <spot/tl/print.hh>
#include <spot/tl/simplify.hh>

int main()
  std::string input = "{a*;b}<>->(a U (b & GF c))";
  spot::parsed_formula pf = spot::parse_infix_psl(input);
  if (pf.format_errors(std::cerr))
    return 1;
  spot::formula f = pf.f;
  if (!f.is_ltl_formula())
      spot::tl_simplifier simp;
      f = simp.simplify(f);
  if (!f.is_ltl_formula())
      std::cerr << "Only LTL formulas are supported.\n";
      return 1;
  print_spin_ltl(std::cout, f) << '\n';
  return 0;
a U (b && (a U (b && []<>c)))

Lenient parsing

In version 6, Spin extended its command-line LTL parser to accept arbitrary atomic propositions to be specified. For instance (a > 4) U (b < 5) would be correct input, with a > 4 and b < 5 considered as two atomic propositions. Of course the atomic proposition could be arbitrarily complex, and there is no way we can teach Spot about the syntax for atomic propositions supported by any tool. The usual workaround in Spot is to double-quote any arbitrary atomic proposition:

echo compare
ltlfilt -f '"a > 4" U "b < 5"'
echo and
ltlfilt -f '"a > 4" U "b < 5"' --spin
"a > 4" U "b < 5"
(a > 4) U (b < 5)

When the Spin output is requested, these atomic propositions are atomically output in a way that Spin can parse.

This Spin syntax is not accepted by default by the infix parser, but it has an option for that. This is called lenient parsing: when the parser finds a parenthetical block it does not understand, it simply assumes that this block represents an atomic proposition.

ltlfilt --lenient -f '(a > 4) U (b < 5)'
"a > 4" U "b < 5"

Lenient parsing is risky, because any parenthesized sub-formula that is a syntax-error will be treated as an atomic proposition:

ltlfilt --lenient -f '(a U ) U c'
"a U" U c

In C++ you can enable lenient using one of the Boolean arguments of parse_infix_psl().

Python formatting

Formulas have a custom format specification language that allows you to easily change the way a formula should be output when using the format() method of strings, or using formatted string litterals.

import spot
formula = spot.formula('a U b U "$strange[0]=name"')
Default output:    {f}
Spin syntax:       {f:s}
(Spin syntax):     {f:sp}
Default for shell: echo {f:q} | ...
LBT for shell:     echo {f:lq} | ...
Default for CSV:   ...,{f:c},...
Wring, centered:   {f:w:~^50}""".format(f = formula))
Default output:    a U (b U "$strange[0]=name")
Spin syntax:       a U (b U ($strange[0]=name))
(Spin syntax):     (a) U ((b) U ($strange[0]=name))
Default for shell: echo 'a U (b U "$strange[0]=name")' | ...
LBT for shell:     echo 'U "a" U "b" "$strange[0]=name"' | ...
Default for CSV:   ...,"a U (b U ""$strange[0]=name"")",...
Wring, centered:   ~~~~~(a=1) U ((b=1) U ("$strange[0]=name"=1))~~~~~

The specifiers after the first : are specific to formulas. The specifiers after the second : (if any) are the usual format specifiers (typically alignment choices) and are applied on the string produced from the formula.

The complete list of specifier that apply to formulas can always be printed with help(spot.formula.__format__):

Help on function __format__ in module spot:

__format__(self, spec)
    Format the formula according to `spec`.
    spec : str, optional
        a list of letters that specify how the formula
        should be formatted.
    Supported specifiers
    - 'f': use Spot's syntax (default)
    - '8': use Spot's syntax in UTF-8 mode
    - 's': use Spin's syntax
    - 'l': use LBT's syntax
    - 'w': use Wring's syntax
    - 'x': use LaTeX output
    - 'X': use self-contained LaTeX output
    - 'j': use self-contained LaTeX output, adjusted for MathJax
    Add some of those letters for additional options:
    - 'p': use full parentheses
    - 'c': escape the formula for CSV output (this will
           enclose the formula in double quotes, and escape
           any included double quotes)
    - 'h': escape the formula for HTML output
    - 'd': escape double quotes and backslash,
           for use in C-strings (the outermost double
           quotes are *not* added)
    - 'q': quote and escape for shell output, using single
           quotes or double quotes depending on the contents.
    - '[...]': rewrite away all the operators specified in brackets,
           using spot.unabbreviate().
    - ':spec': pass the remaining specification to the
               formating function for strings.