
This tool outputs ω-automata generated from scalable patterns.

These patterns are usually taken from the literature (see the genaut(1) man page for references).

--cycle-log-nba=RANGE  A cyclic NBA with N*N states and log(N) atomic
                       propositions, that should be simplifiable to a
                       cyclic NBA with N states.
--cycle-onehot-nba=RANGE   A cyclic NBA with N*N states and N atomic
                       propositions, that should be simplifiable to a
                       cyclic NBA with N states.
--cyclist-proof-dba=RANGE   A DBA with N+2 states that should be included
                       in cyclist-trace-nba=B.
--cyclist-trace-nba=RANGE   An NBA with N+2 states that should include
--ks-nca=RANGE         A co-Büchi automaton with 2N+1 states for which
                       any equivalent deterministic co-Büchi automaton
                       has at least 2^N/(2N+1) states.
--l-dsa=RANGE          A deterministic Streett automaton with 4N states
                       with no equivalent deterministic Rabin automaton
                       of less than N! states.
--l-nba=RANGE          A Büchi automaton with 3N+1 states whose
                       complementary Streett automaton needs at least N!
--m-nba=RANGE          An NBA with N+1 states whose determinization needs
                       at least N! states.

By default, the output format is HOA, but this can be controlled using the common output options for automata.

For instance:

genaut --ks-nca=2 --dot

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The patterns can be specified using a range of the form N (a single value), N..M (all values between N and M included), or ..M (all values between 1 and M included).

genaut --ks-nca=..5 --stats='%F=%L has %s states'
ks-nca=1 has 3 states
ks-nca=2 has 5 states
ks-nca=3 has 7 states
ks-nca=4 has 9 states
ks-nca=5 has 11 states