Common output options for automata
Table of Contents
Spot supports different output syntaxes for automata. This page documents the options, common to all tools where it makes sense, that are used to specify how to output of automata.
Common output options
All tools that can output automata implement the following options:
-8, --utf8 enable UTF-8 characters in output (ignored with --lbtt or --spin) --check[=PROP] test for the additional property PROP and output the result in the HOA format (implies -H). PROP may be some prefix of 'all' (default), 'unambiguous', 'stutter-invariant', 'stutter-sensitive-example', 'semi-determinism', or 'strength'. -d, --dot[=1|a|A|b|B|c|C(COLOR)|e|E|f(FONT)|h|i(ID)|k|K|n|N|o|r|R|s|t|u|v|y|+INT|<INT|#] GraphViz's format. Add letters for (1) force numbered states, (a) show acceptance condition (default), (A) hide acceptance condition, (b) acceptance sets as bullets, (B) bullets except for Büchi/co-Büchi automata, (c) force circular nodes, (C) color nodes with COLOR, (d) show origins when known, (e) force elliptic nodes, (E) force rEctangular nodes, (f(FONT)) use FONT, (g) hide edge labels, (h) horizontal layout, (i) or (i(GRAPHID)) add IDs, (k) use state labels when possible, (K) use transition labels (default), (n) show name, (N) hide name, (o) ordered transitions, (r) rainbow colors for acceptance sets, (R) color acceptance sets by Inf/Fin, (s) with SCCs, (t) force transition-based acceptance, (u) hide true states, (v) vertical layout, (y) split universal edges by color, (+INT) add INT to all set numbers, (<INT) display at most INT states, (#) show internal edge numbers -H, --hoaf[=1.1|b|i|k|l|m|s|t|v] Output the automaton in HOA format (default). Add letters to select (1.1) version 1.1 of the format, (b) create an alias basis if >=2 AP are used, (i) use implicit labels for complete deterministic automata, (s) prefer state-based acceptance when possible [default], (t) force transition-based acceptance, (m) mix state and transition-based acceptance, (k) use state labels when possible, (l) single-line output, (v) verbose properties --lbtt[=t] LBTT's format (add =t to force transition-based acceptance even on Büchi automata) --name=FORMAT set the name of the output automaton -o, --output=FORMAT send output to a file named FORMAT instead of standard output. The first automaton sent to a file truncates it unless FORMAT starts with '>>'. -q, --quiet suppress all normal output -s, --spin[=6|c] Spin neverclaim (implies --ba). Add letters to select (6) Spin's 6.2.4 style, (c) comments on states --stats=FORMAT, --format=FORMAT output statistics about the automaton
The main three output formats (that can also been used as input to
some of the tools) are HOA (used by default, or with -H
), LBTT (activated by --lbtt
), or Spin never claims
(activated by -s
or --spin
). These three formats also support
streaming, i.e., you can concatenate multiple automata (and even mix
these three formats in the same stream), and the tools will be able to
read and process them in sequence.
The other possible outputs are GraphViz output (-d
or --dot
various statistics (--stats
), or nothing at all (--quiet
). It may
seem strange to ask a tool to not output anything, but it makes sense
when only the exit status matters (for instance using autfilt
check whether an input automaton has some property) or for timing
HOA output
Details about supported features of the HOA format can be found on a separate page.
The HOA output should be the preferred format to use if you want to
pass automata between different tools. Since Spot 1.99.7, it is the
default output format, but you can explicitly request it using the
parameter and this allows passing additional options to the HOA
Here is an example where ltl2tgba
is used to construct two automata:
one for a U b
and one for (Ga -> Gb) W c
ltl2tgba 'a U b' '(Ga -> Gb) W c'
HOA: v1 name: "a U b" States: 2 Start: 1 AP: 2 "a" "b" acc-name: Buchi Acceptance: 1 Inf(0) properties: trans-labels explicit-labels state-acc deterministic properties: stutter-invariant terminal very-weak --BODY-- State: 0 {0} [t] 0 State: 1 [1] 0 [0&!1] 1 --END-- HOA: v1 name: "(Gb | F!a) W c" States: 5 Start: 0 AP: 3 "b" "a" "c" acc-name: Buchi Acceptance: 1 Inf(0) properties: trans-labels explicit-labels trans-acc stutter-invariant --BODY-- State: 0 [!1&!2] 0 {0} [2] 1 [1&!2] 2 [0&1&!2] 3 State: 1 [t] 1 {0} State: 2 [!1&!2] 0 {0} [!1&2] 1 [1&!2] 2 [1&2] 4 State: 3 [0] 3 {0} State: 4 [!1] 1 [1] 4 --END--
The above output contains two automata, named after the formulas they represent. Here is a picture of these two automata:
The HOA format supports both state and transition-based acceptance.
Although Spot works only with transition-based acceptance, its output
routines default to state-based acceptance whenever possible (this is
the case in the first of these two automata) and use transition-based
acceptance otherwise. You can change this behavior using -Hs
), -Ht
, or -Hm
. Option s
corresponds to the default
to use state-based acceptance whenever possible. Option t
transition-based acceptance. For instance compare this output to the
previous one:
ltl2tgba -Ht 'a U b'
HOA: v1 name: "a U b" States: 2 Start: 1 AP: 2 "a" "b" acc-name: Buchi Acceptance: 1 Inf(0) properties: trans-labels explicit-labels trans-acc deterministic properties: stutter-invariant terminal very-weak --BODY-- State: 0 [t] 0 {0} State: 1 [1] 0 [0&!1] 1 --END--
Option m
uses mixed acceptance, i.e, some states might use
state-based acceptance while others will not:
ltl2tgba -Hm '(Ga -> Gb) W c'
HOA: v1 name: "(Gb | F!a) W c" States: 5 Start: 0 AP: 3 "b" "a" "c" acc-name: Buchi Acceptance: 1 Inf(0) properties: trans-labels explicit-labels stutter-invariant --BODY-- State: 0 [!1&!2] 0 {0} [2] 1 [1&!2] 2 [0&1&!2] 3 State: 1 {0} [t] 1 State: 2 [!1&!2] 0 {0} [!1&2] 1 [1&!2] 2 [1&2] 4 State: 3 {0} [0] 3 State: 4 [!1] 1 [1] 4 --END--
It is also possible to output each automaton on a single line, in case the result should be used with line-based tools or embedded into a CSV file… Here is an example using both transition-based acceptance, and single-line output:
ltl2tgba -Htl 'a U b' '(Ga -> Gb) W c'
HOA: v1 name: "a U b" States: 2 Start: 1 AP: 2 "a" "b" acc-name: Buchi Acceptance: 1 Inf(0) properties: trans-labels explicit-labels trans-acc deterministic stutter-invariant terminal very-weak --BODY-- State: 0 [t] 0 {0} State: 1 [1] 0 [0&!1] 1 --END-- HOA: v1 name: "(Gb | F!a) W c" States: 5 Start: 0 AP: 3 "b" "a" "c" acc-name: Buchi Acceptance: 1 Inf(0) properties: trans-labels explicit-labels trans-acc stutter-invariant --BODY-- State: 0 [!1&!2] 0 {0} [2] 1 [1&!2] 2 [0&1&!2] 3 State: 1 [t] 1 {0} State: 2 [!1&!2] 0 {0} [!1&2] 1 [1&!2] 2 [1&2] 4 State: 3 [0] 3 {0} State: 4 [!1] 1 [1] 4 --END--
Finally, version 1.1 of the HOA format can be specified using the
option. Version 1, which is currently the default, can also
be requested explicitly using -H1
. The main advantage of version
1.1, as far as Spot is concerned, is that some of negated properties
can be transmitted. For instance, compare
ltl2tgba -f GFa -f FGa -H1 --check | grep -E '^(HOA|properties|name):'
HOA: v1 name: "GFa" properties: trans-labels explicit-labels trans-acc complete properties: deterministic stutter-invariant HOA: v1 name: "FGa" properties: trans-labels explicit-labels state-acc semi-deterministic properties: stutter-invariant very-weak
ltl2tgba -f GFa -f FGa -H1.1 --check | grep -E '^(HOA|properties|name):'
HOA: v1.1 name: "GFa" properties: trans-labels explicit-labels trans-acc complete properties: deterministic stutter-invariant !inherently-weak HOA: v1.1 name: "FGa" properties: trans-labels explicit-labels state-acc !complete properties: !deterministic exist-branch !unambiguous semi-deterministic properties: stutter-invariant very-weak !terminal
The --check
option inspects the automata for additional properties
such that their strength or whether they are stutter-invariant and
unambiguous. You can see in this example that version 1.1 of the
format carries additional negated properties that could not be
represented in the first version.
LBTT output
The LBTT output has two flavors: state-based or transition-based. The
transition flavor can be recognized by the present of a t
after the
second number. (The first number is the number of states, while the
second number is the number of acceptance sets used.)
Compare the following transition-based and state-based Büchi automata
for GFp0
ltl2tgba -b --lbtt 'GFp0'
1 1t 0 1 0 -1 ! p0 0 0 -1 p0 -1
ltl2tgba -B --lbtt 'GFp0'
2 1 0 1 0 -1 0 p0 1 ! p0 -1 1 0 -1 0 p0 1 ! p0 -1
Since even state-based automata are stored as transition-based
automata by Spot, it is also possible to force transition-based
LBTT output to be used even if the automaton declares itself as
state-based. This is done by passing --lbtt=t
ltl2tgba -B --lbtt=t 'GFp0'
2 1t 0 1 0 0 -1 p0 1 0 -1 ! p0 -1 1 0 0 -1 p0 1 -1 ! p0 -1
Note that the LBTT output generalizes the format output by LBT with
support for transition-based acceptance. Both formats however are
restricted to atomic propositions of the form p0
, p1
, etc… In
case other atomic propositions are used, Spot output them in double
quotes. This second extension of the format was introduced by
ltl2tgba -B --lbtt 'a U b'
2 1 0 1 -1 1 "b" 0 & "a" ! "b" -1 1 0 0 -1 1 t -1
Spin output
Spin never claims can be requested using -s
or --spin
. They can only
represent Büchi automata, so these options imply --ba
ltl2tgba -s 'a U b'
never { /* a U b */ T0_init: if :: (b) -> goto accept_all :: ((a) && (!(b))) -> goto T0_init fi; accept_all: skip }
Recent versions of Spin (starting with Spin 6.2.4) output never claims
in a slightly different style that can be requested using either
or --spin=6
ltl2tgba -s6 'a U b'
never { /* a U b */ T0_init: do :: atomic { (b) -> assert(!(b)) } :: ((a) && (!(b))) -> goto T0_init od; accept_all: skip }
(Note that while Spot is able to read never claims that follow any of these two styles, it is not capable of interpreting an arbitrary piece of Promela syntax.)
Dot output
The -d
or --dot
option causes automata to be output in GraphViz's
ltl2tgba '(Ga -> Gb) W c' -d
digraph "(Gb | F!a) W c" { rankdir=LR label="Inf(0)\n[Büchi]" labelloc="t" node [shape="circle"] I [label="", style=invis, width=0] I -> 0 0 [label="0"] 0 -> 0 [label="!a & !c\n{0}"] 0 -> 1 [label="c"] 0 -> 2 [label="a & !c"] 0 -> 3 [label="a & b & !c"] 1 [label="1"] 1 -> 1 [label="1\n{0}"] 2 [label="2"] 2 -> 0 [label="!a & !c\n{0}"] 2 -> 1 [label="!a & c"] 2 -> 2 [label="a & !c"] 2 -> 4 [label="a & c"] 3 [label="3"] 3 -> 3 [label="b\n{0}"] 4 [label="4"] 4 -> 1 [label="!a"] 4 -> 4 [label="a"] }
Converting dot output to images or pdf
This output should be processed with dot
to be converted into a
picture. For instance use dot -Tpng
or dot -Tpdf
. The pictures
on this page are produced with dot -Tsvg
ltl2tgba '(Ga -> Gb) W c' -d | dot -Tsvg
In the documentation we display automata using SVG, but the actual
steps used to obtain those SVG files are usually not relevant to the
topics being discussed. So for simplicity we will usually omit the
calls to dot -Tsvg
, and will often also omit the use of the -d
Customizing the dot output
This output can be customized by passing optional characters to the
option. For instance v
requests a vertical layout (instead
of the default horizontal layout), c
requests circle states, s
causes strongly-connected components to be displayed, n
causes the
name (see below) of the automaton to be displayed, and a
causes the
acceptance condition to be shown as well. Option b
causes sets to
be output as bullets (e.g., ⓿ instead of {0}
); option r
rainbow) causes sets to be displayed in different colors, while option
also uses colors, but it chooses them depending on whether a set
is used with Fin-acceptance, Inf-acceptance, or both. Option
can be used to color all states using COLOR
, and the
option f(FONT)
is used to select a font name: it is often necessary
when b
is used to ensure the characters ⓿, ❶, etc. are all selected
from the same font.
ltl2tgba --dot=vcsna '(Ga -> Gb) W c'
digraph "(Gb | F!a) W c" { label="(Gb | F!a) W c\nInf(0)\n[Büchi]" labelloc="t" node [shape="circle"] I [label="", style=invis, height=0] I -> 0 subgraph cluster_0 { color=green label="" 1 [label="1"] } subgraph cluster_1 { color=red label="" 4 [label="4"] } subgraph cluster_2 { color=green label="" 3 [label="3"] } subgraph cluster_3 { color=green label="" 0 [label="0"] 2 [label="2"] } 0 -> 0 [label="!a & !c\n{0}"] 0 -> 1 [label="c"] 0 -> 2 [label="a & !c"] 0 -> 3 [label="a & b & !c"] 1 -> 1 [label="1\n{0}"] 2 -> 0 [label="!a & !c\n{0}"] 2 -> 1 [label="!a & c"] 2 -> 2 [label="a & !c"] 2 -> 4 [label="a & c"] 3 -> 3 [label="b\n{0}"] 4 -> 1 [label="!a"] 4 -> 4 [label="a"] }
The acceptance condition is displayed in the same way as in the HOA
format. Here Inf(0)
means that runs are accepting if and only if
they visit some the transitions in the set #0 infinitely often. For
well known acceptance conditions (as Büchi in this case), their name
is also displayed in bracket below.
The strongly connected components are displayed using the following colors:
- green components contain an accepting cycle
- red components contain no accepting cycle
- black components are trivial (i.e., they contain no cycle)
- gray components are useless (i.e., they are non-accepting, and are only followed by non-accepting components)
Here is an example involving all colors:
The dot output can also be customized via two environment variables:
contains default arguments for the--dot
option (for when it is used implicitly, or used as just--dot
without argument). For instance afterexport SPOT_DOTDEFAULT=vcsn
, using--dot
is equivalent to--dot=vcsn
. However, using--dot=xyz
(for any value ofxyz
, even empty) will ignore theSPOT_DOTDEFAULT
variable. If the argument of--dot
contains a dot character, then this dot is replaced by the contents ofSPOT_DOTDEFAULT
. So--dot=.A
would be equivalent to--dot=vcsnA
with our example definition ofSPOT_DOTDEFAULT
may contain an arbitrary string that will be emitted in the dot output before the first state. This can be used to modify any attribute. For instance (except for this page, where we had to demonstrate the various options of--dot
, and a few pages where we show the--dot
output verbatim) all the automata displayed in this documentation are generated with the following environment variables set:
export SPOT_DOTDEFAULT='Brf(Lato)C(#ffffa0)' export SPOT_DOTEXTRA='node[fontsize=12] fontsize=12 stylesheet="spot-2025032415.css" edge[arrowhead=vee, arrowsize=.7, fontsize=12]'
Each state, edge, or SCC in an automaton has a unique number. When
passing option i
to the dot printer, this unique number will be used
to form a unique id
attribute for these elements: a prefix S
state), E
(for edge), or "SCC=" is simply added to the unique
number. Additionally, using i(graphid)
will define graphid
that id
of the automaton. GraphViz will keep these identifiers in
the generated SVG, so this makes it possible to modify rendering
of the automaton using CSS or javascript.
As an example, the CSS file we use on this page contains:
#iddemo #E3 path{animation:flashstroke 1s linear infinite;} @keyframes flashstroke{50%{stroke:red;stroke-width:1.5;}} #iddemo #E3 polygon{animation:flashfill 1s linear infinite;} @keyframes flashfill{50%{stroke:red;stroke-width:1.5;fill:red}}
therefore the third edge of any graph whose id
is iddemo
be animated:
ltl2tgba -G -D 'GFa <-> XGb' --dot='i(iddemo).'
Working with dot2tex
The dot2tex
program interacts with GraphViz to convert dot files
into TeX figures. The layout is still done by tools provided by
GraphViz (i.e. dot
, neato
, circo
, …) but the actual rendering
is done using LaTeX with the TikZ or PSTricks packages. One advantage
is that this allows embedding math formulas into the graph, something
GraphViz alone cannot do. Another advantage is that you can then
easily edit the LaTeX figure, for instance to add additional graphical
The dot
formater of Spot has an option x
, that is convenient to
use with dot2tex
. This option causes labels to be rendered as LaTeX
mathematical formulas instead of ASCII text.
ltl2tgba 'p0 U p1' --dot=x | dot2tex --autosize --nominsize > out.tex
The above command should give you a LaTeX file that compiles to the following figure:
Here is an example with bullets denoting acceptance sets, and SCCs:
ltl2tgba -G -D '!a & FGa' --dot=sbarx | dot2tex --autosize --nominsize > out.tex
should be called with option--autosize
in order to compute the size of each label before calling GraphViz to lay out the graph. This is because GraphViz cannot compute the correct size of mathematical formulas. Make sure you usedot2tex
version 2.11 or later, as earlier releases had a bug where sizes were interpreted as integers instead of floats, causing labels or shapes to disappear.- The default size of nodes seems slightly too big for our usage.
is just one way around it. Refer to thedot2tex
manual for finer ways to set the node size.
The --stats
option takes a format string parameter to specify what
and how statistics should be output.
Most tools support a common set of statistics about the output
automaton (like %s
for the number of states, %t
for transitions,
for edges, etc.). Additional statistics might be available
depending on what the tool does (for instance autfilt
also uses
capitalized letters %S
, %T
, and %E
to display the same statistics
about the input automaton). All the available statistics are
displayed when a tool is run with --help
For instance here are the statistics available in randaut
%% a single % %a number of acceptance sets %c, %[LETTERS]c number of SCCs; you may filter the SCCs to count using the following LETTERS, possibly concatenated: (a) accepting, (r) rejecting, (c) complete, (v) trivial, (t) terminal, (w) weak, (iw) inherently weak. Use uppercase letters to negate them. %d 1 if the output is deterministic, 0 otherwise %e, %[LETTER]e number of edges (add one LETTER to select (r) reachable [default], (u) unreachable, (a) all). %F seed number %g, %[LETTERS]g acceptance condition (in HOA syntax); add brackets to print an acceptance name instead and LETTERS to tweak the format: (0) no parameters, (a) accentuated, (b) abbreviated, (d) style used in dot output, (g) no generalized parameter, (l) recognize Street-like and Rabin-like, (m) no main parameter, (p) no parity parameter, (o) name unknown acceptance as 'other', (s) shorthand for 'lo0'. %h the automaton in HOA format on a single line (use %[opt]h to specify additional options as in --hoa=opt) %L automaton number %l serial number of the output automaton (0-based) %m name of the automaton %n number of nondeterministic states in output %p 1 if the output is complete, 0 otherwise %r wall-clock time elapsed in seconds (excluding parsing) %R, %[LETTERS]R CPU time (excluding parsing), in seconds; add LETTERS to restrict to(u) user time, (s) system time, (p) parent process, or (c) children processes. %s, %[LETTER]s number of states (add one LETTER to select (r) reachable [default], (u) unreachable, (a) all). %t, %[LETTER]t number of transitions (add one LETTER to select (r) reachable [default], (u) unreachable, (a) all). %u, %[e]u number of states (or [e]dges) with universal branching %u, %[LETTER]u 1 if the automaton contains some universal branching (or a number of [s]tates or [e]dges with universal branching) %w one word accepted by the output automaton %x, %[LETTERS]x number of atomic propositions declared in the automaton; add LETTERS to list atomic propositions with (n) no quoting, (s) occasional double-quotes with C-style escape, (d) double-quotes with C-style escape, (c) double-quotes with CSV-style escape, (p) between parentheses, any extra non-alphanumeric character will be used to separate propositions
In most tools %F
and %L
are the input filename and line number,
but as this makes no sense in randaut
, these two sequences emit
numbers related to the generation of automata.
For instance let's generate 1000 random automata with 100 states and
density 0.2, and just count the number of edges in each automaton. Then
use R
to summarize the distribution of these values:
randaut -e0.2 -Q100 -n1000 a --stats %e > size.csv
Rscript -e "summary(read.csv('size.csv', header=FALSE, col.names='edges'))"
edges Min. :1939 1st Qu.:2056 Median :2083 Mean :2082 3rd Qu.:2107 Max. :2233
For \(Q=100\) states and density \(D=0.2\) the expected degree of each state is \(1+(Q-1)D = 1+99\times 0.2 = 20.8\), so the expected number of edges should be \(20.8\times100=2080\).
Two of the statistics are related to time: %r
displays wall-clock
time, while %R
displays CPU-time.
genltl --or-gf=1..8 | ltl2tgba --high --stats='%f,%r,%R'
GFp1,0.00113739,0.02 GF(p1 | p2),0.00122409,0 GF(p1 | p2 | p3),0.00295602,0 GF(p1 | p2 | p3 | p4),0.000606185,0 GF(p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | p5),0.000556067,0 GF(p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | p5 | p6),0.0005395,0 GF(p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | p5 | p6 | p7),0.00054513,0 GF(p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | p5 | p6 | p7 | p8),0.000612482,0
Note that %r
is implemented using the most precise clock available
and usually has nanosecond precision, while %R
uses the times()
system call (when available) and is usually only precise up to 1/100
of a second. However, as a wall-clock time, %r
will also be
affected by the load of the machine: if a machine is overloaded, or
swapping a lot, you may notice a wall-clock time that is significantly
higher than the CPU time measured by %R
Additional arguments may be passed to %R
to select the time that
must be output. By default, this the CPU-time spent in both user code
and system calls. This can be restricted using one of u
(user) or
(system). Also by default this includes the CPU-time for the
current process and any of its children: adding p
(parent) and c
(children) will show only the selected time. Note that few tools
actually execute other processes: autfilt
and ltl2tgba
can do so
when calling a SAT solver for SAT-based minimization, and ltldo
obviously call any listed tool. However, in the case of ltldo
measured time is that of executing the other tools, so the result of
is likely to be always 0.
Here is an example where we use ltldo
to benchmark the (default)
option of ltl2tba
against the --low
option, computing for
each option the overall wall-clock time, CPU-time spent in ltldo
and CPU-time spent in ltl2tgba
genltl --or-gf=1..8 | ltldo '{high}ltl2tgba' '{low}ltl2tgba --low' --stats='%T,%f,%r,%[p]R,%[c]R'
high,GFp1,0.0380334,0,0.04 low,GFp1,0.037216,0,0.04 high,GFp1 | GFp2,0.0399891,0,0.05 low,GFp1 | GFp2,0.0366476,0,0.05 high,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3,0.0402794,0,0.04 low,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3,0.0371686,0,0.05 high,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3 | GFp4,0.0387216,0,0.04 low,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3 | GFp4,0.0390118,0,0.05 high,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3 | GFp4 | GFp5,0.0391928,0,0.04 low,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3 | GFp4 | GFp5,0.0397561,0,0.05 high,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3 | GFp4 | GFp5 | GFp6,0.0385891,0,0.04 low,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3 | GFp4 | GFp5 | GFp6,0.038616,0,0.04 high,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3 | GFp4 | GFp5 | GFp6 | GFp7,0.0398957,0,0.05 low,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3 | GFp4 | GFp5 | GFp6 | GFp7,0.0377392,0,0.04 high,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3 | GFp4 | GFp5 | GFp6 | GFp7 | GFp8,0.0392851,0,0.05 low,GFp1 | GFp2 | GFp3 | GFp4 | GFp5 | GFp6 | GFp7 | GFp8,0.03857,0,0.04
Naming automata
Automata can be given names. This name can be output in the
HOA format, but also in GraphViz output when --dot=n
is given.
By default, ltl2tgba
will use the input formula as name. Other
tools have no default name. This name can be changed using the
option, that takes a format string similar to the one of
ltl2tgba --name='TGBA for %f' --dot=n 'a U b'
If you have an automaton saved in the HOA format, you can extract its
name using autfilt --stats=%M input.hoa
. The %M
escape sequence is
replaced by the name of the input automaton.
Here is a pipeline of commands that generates five LTL formulas
\(\varphi\) such that both \(\varphi\) and \(\lnot\varphi\) are translated
into a 3-state TGBA by ltl2tgba
. It starts by generating an
infinite stream of random LTL formulas using a
and b
as atomic
propositions, then it converts these formulas as TGBA (in the HOA
format, therefore carrying the formula as name), filtering only the
TGBA with 3 states and outputting !(%M)
(that is the negation of the
associated formula), translating the resulting formulas as TGBA, again
retaining only the names (i.e. formulas) of the automata with 3
states, and finally restricting the output to the first 5 matches
using autfilt -n5
randltl -n -1 a b |
ltl2tgba |
autfilt --states=3 --stats='!(%M)' |
ltl2tgba |
autfilt --states=3 --stats=%M -n5
G(b | F(b & Fa)) (!a | b | (!b & (b W Ga))) & (a | (!b & (b | (!b M F!a)))) (!a | (!a R b)) & (a | (a U !b)) !a & F((!a | FG!a) & (a | GFa)) X(!b W a)
Note that the above result can also be obtained without using
and automata names. We can use the fact that ltl2tgba
can output the automaton size, and that ltl2tgba
is also
capable of reading from a CSV file (-F-/2
instructs ltl2tgba
read the standard input as if it was a CSV file, and to process its
second column):
randltl -n -1 a b | # generate a stream of random LTL formulas ltl2tgba -F- --stats='%s,!(%f)' | # for each formula output "states,negated formula" grep '^3,' | # keep only formulas with 3 states ltl2tgba -F-/2 --stats='%s,%f' | # for each negated formula output "states,formula" grep '^3,' | # keep only negated formulas with 3 states head -n5 | cut -d, -f2 # return the five first formulas
G(b | F(b & Fa)) (!a | b | (!b & (b W Ga))) & (a | (!b & (b | (!b M F!a)))) (!a | (!a R b)) & (a | (a U !b)) !a & F((!a | FG!a) & (a | GFa)) X(!b W a)
Note that the -F-
argument in the first call to ltl2tgba
superfluous as the tool default to reading from its standard input.
But we put it there for symmetry with the second call.
Naming output
By default, all output is sent to standard output, so you can either
redirect it to a file, or pipe it to another program.
You can also use the --output
(a.k.a. -o
) option to specify a
filename where automata should be written. The advantage over
a shell redirection, is that you may build a name using the same
escape sequences as used by --stats
and --name
For instance %d
is replaced by 0 or 1 depending on whether the
automaton is deterministic. We can generate 20 random automata, and
output them in two files depending on their determinism:
randaut -n 20 -Q2 -e1 1 -o out-det%d.hoa autfilt -c out-det0.hoa # Count of non-deterministic automata autfilt -c out-det1.hoa # Count of deterministic automata
14 6
If you use this feature, beware that the output filename is only
truncated once a first automaton is output to it: so if no automaton
is output for a given filename, the existing file will be left
untouched. For instance if we run the above commands again, but
forcing randaut
to output 20 deterministic automata, it may look
like we produced more than 20 automata:
randaut -D -n 20 -Q2 -e1 1 -o out-det%d.hoa autfilt -c out-det0.hoa # Count of non-deterministic automata autfilt -c out-det1.hoa # Count of deterministic automata
14 20
This is because the out-det0.hoa
file hasn't changed from the
previous execution, while out-det1.hoa
has been overwritten.
In the case where you want to append to a file instead of overwriting
it, prefix the output filename with >>
as in
randaut -D -n 20 -Q2 1 -o '>>out-det%d.hoa'
(You need the quotes so that the shell does not interpret >>
The %l
sequence is a number that is incremented for each output
automaton. For instance if input.hoa
contains multiple automata,
you can separate them into separate files with:
autilt input.hoa -o output-%l.hoa