spot 2.12.2
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
parseaut.hh File Reference
#include "config.h"
#include <spot/misc/common.hh>
#include <spot/priv/robin_hood.hh>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <spot/twa/formula2bdd.hh>
#include <spot/parseaut/public.hh>
#include "spot/priv/accmap.hh"
#include <spot/tl/parse.hh>
#include <spot/twaalgos/alternation.hh>
#include <spot/twaalgos/game.hh>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
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struct  hoayy_support::result_
struct  hoayy_support::result_::state_info
struct  hoayy_support::result_::prop_info
class  hoayy::parser
 A Bison parser. More...
union  hoayy::parser::value_type
 Symbol semantic values. More...
struct  hoayy::parser::syntax_error
 Syntax errors thrown from user actions. More...
struct  hoayy::parser::token
 Token kinds. More...
struct  hoayy::parser::symbol_kind
 Symbol kinds. More...
struct  hoayy::parser::basic_symbol< Base >
struct  hoayy::parser::by_kind
 Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols. More...
struct  hoayy::parser::symbol_type
 "External" symbols: returned by the scanner. More...
class  hoayy::parser::context
class  hoayy::parser::stack< T, S >::slice
 Present a slice of the top of a stack. More...


#define PARSE_ERROR_LIST   res.h->errors, res.fcache
#define YY_CPLUSPLUS   199711L
#define YY_MOVE
#define YY_MOVE_OR_COPY   copy
#define YY_MOVE_REF(Type)   Type&
#define YY_RVREF(Type)   const Type&
#define YY_COPY(Type)   const Type&
#define YY_NOTHROW   throw ()
#define YY_USE(E)   ((void) (E))
#define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value)   Value
#define YY_CAST(Type, Val)   ((Type) (Val))
#define YY_REINTERPRET_CAST(Type, Val)   ((Type) (Val))
#define YY_NULLPTR   ((void*)0)
#define HOAYYDEBUG   1


typedef std::map< int, bdd > <globalScope>::map_t
typedef robin_hood::unordered_flat_map< std::string, bdd > <globalScope>::formula_cache
typedef std::pair< int, std::string * > <globalScope>::pair
typedef spot::twa_graph::namer< std::string > <globalScope>::named_tgba_t


enum  label_style_t
enum  acc_style_t


int strverscmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)

Detailed Description

Define the hoayy::parser class.

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