►Nspot | |
►Cacc_cond | An acceptance condition |
Cacc_code | An acceptance formula |
Cacc_word | A "node" in an acceptance formulas |
Cmark_t | An acceptance mark |
Crs_pair | Rabin/streett pairs used by is_rabin_like and is_streett_like |
Cacd | Alternating Cycle Decomposition implementation |
Cacss_statistics | Accepting Cycle Search Space statistics |
Caig | A class representing AIG circuits |
Cars_statistics | Accepting Run Search statistics |
Cautomaton_parser_options | |
Cautomaton_stream_parser | Parse a stream of automata |
Cbarand | Compute pseudo-random integer value between 0 and n included, following a binomial distribution with probability p |
►Cbdd_dict | Map BDD variables to formulae |
Cbdd_info | |
Cbdd_hash | Hash functor for BDDs |
Cbdd_less_than | Comparison functor for BDDs |
Cbdd_less_than_stable | Comparison functor for BDDs |
Cbfs_steps | Make a BFS in a spot::tgba to compute a twa_run::steps |
Cbitset | |
Cbitvect | A bit vector |
Cbitvect_array | |
Cchar_ptr_less_than | Strict Weak Ordering for char* |
Ccouvreur99_check | An implementation of the Couvreur99 emptiness-check algorithm |
Ccouvreur99_check_result | Compute a counter example from a spot::couvreur99_check_status |
►Ccouvreur99_check_shy | A version of spot::couvreur99_check that tries to visit known states first |
Csuccessor | |
Ctodo_item | |
Ccouvreur99_check_status | The status of the emptiness-check on success |
►Ccspins_iterator | This class provides an iterator over the successors of a state. All successors are computed once when an iterator is recycled or created |
Ccspins_iterator_param | |
Ccspins_state_equal | This class provides the ability to compare two states |
Ccspins_state_hash | This class provides the ability to hash a state |
Ccspins_state_manager | The management of states (i.e. allocation/deallocation) can be painless since every time we have to consider wether the state will be compressed or not. This class aims to simplify this management |
Ccstate | Class for thread-safe states |
Ccubeset | |
Cdeclarative_environment | A declarative environment |
Cdefault_environment | A laxist environment |
Cdigraph | A directed graph |
Cec_statistics | Emptiness-check statistics |
Cec_stats | This structure contains, for each thread, the collected information during the traversal |
Cedge_separator | Separate edges so that their labels are disjoint |
►Cedge_separator_filter | |
Citerator | |
Cemptiness_check | Common interface to emptiness check algorithms |
Cemptiness_check_instantiator | Dynamically create emptiness checks. Given their name and options |
Cemptiness_check_result | The result of an emptiness check |
►Cenumerate_cycles | Enumerate elementary cycles in a SCC |
Cdfs_entry | |
Cstate_info | |
Cenvironment | An environment that describes atomic propositions |
Cexclusive_ap | |
Cfair_kripke | Interface for a Fair Kripke structure |
Cfair_kripke_succ_iterator | Iterator code for a Fair Kripke structure |
Cfixed_size_pool | A fixed-size memory pool implementation |
Cfnode | Actual storage for formula nodes |
Cfnv | Struct for Fowler-Noll-Vo parameters |
Cfnv< T, typename std::enable_if< sizeof(T)==4 >::type > | Fowler-Noll-Vo hash parameters for 32 bits |
Cfnv< T, typename std::enable_if< sizeof(T)==8 >::type > | Fowler-Noll-Vo hash parameters for 64 bits |
Cformater | |
►Cformula | Main class for temporal logic formula |
Cformula_child_iterator | Allow iterating over children |
Cformula_ptr_less_than_bool_first | |
Cgame_relabeling_map | |
Choa_abort | |
Choa_alias_formater | Help printing BDDs as text, using aliases |
Cidentity_hash | A hash function that returns identity |
Cinner_callback_parameters | |
Cint_unionfind | This Union-Find data structure is a particular union-find, dedicated for emptiness checks below, see ec.hh. The key of this union-find is int. Moreover, we suppose that only consecutive int are inserted. This union-find includes most of the classical optimisations (IPC, LR, PC, MS) |
Cis_a_kripkecube_ptr | This class allows to ensure (at compile time) if a given parameter is of type kripkecube. It also check if the iterator has the good interface |
Cis_a_mc_algorithm | This class allows to ensure (at compile time) if a given parameter can be considered as a modelchecking algorithm (i.e., usable by instantiate) |
Cisomorphism_checker | Check if two automata are isomorphic |
►Citerable_uf | |
Cuf_element | Represents a Union-Find element |
Cuf_element_hasher | The hasher for the previous uf_element. Shortcut to ease shared map manipulation |
►Citerable_uf_ec | |
Cuf_element | Represents a Union-Find element |
Cuf_element_hasher | The hasher for the previous uf_element. Shortcut to ease shared map manipulation |
Ckripke | Interface for a Kripke structure |
Ckripke_graph | Kripke Structure |
Ckripke_graph_state | Concrete class for kripke_graph states |
Ckripke_graph_succ_iterator | |
Ckripke_succ_iterator | Iterator code for Kripke structure |
Ckripkecube | This class is a template representation of a Kripke structure. It is composed of two template parameters: State represents a state of the Kripke structure, SuccIterator is an iterator over the (possible) successors of a state |
Ckripkecube< cspins_state, cspins_iterator > | |
►Ckripkecube_to_twa | Convert a (cube) model into a twa. Note that this algorithm cannot be run in parallel but could |
Ctodo__element | |
Clanguage_containment_checker | Check containment between LTL formulae |
Clpar13 | This class implements the sequential emptiness check as presented in "Three SCC-based Emptiness Checks for Generalized
Büchi Automata" (Renault et al, LPAR 2013). Among the three emptiness checks that have been proposed, we opted to implement yGabow's one |
Cltsmin_model | |
Cmark_tools | |
Cmealy_like | A struct that represents different types of mealy like objects |
Cminato_isop | Generate an irredundant sum-of-products (ISOP) form of a BDD function |
Cmultiple_size_pool | A multiple-size memory pool implementation |
Cnamed_graph | |
Cnca_st_info | |
Copen_temporary_file | Open temporary file |
Coption_map | Manage a map of options |
Coutput_aborter | Helper object to specify when an algorithm should abort its construction |
Cpair_hash | |
Cparallel_policy | This class is used to tell parallel algorithms what resources they may use |
Cparse_error | |
Cparsed_aut | Result of the automaton parser |
Cparsed_formula | The result of a formula parser |
Cpostprocessor | Wrap TGBA/BA/Monitor post-processing algorithms in an easy interface |
Cpower_map | |
Cprintable | |
Cprintable_acc_cond | |
Cprintable_formula | |
Cprintable_id | The default callback simply writes "%c" |
Cprintable_long_size | |
Cprintable_percent | Called by default for "%%" and "%\0" |
Cprintable_scc_info | |
Cprintable_size | |
Cprintable_value | |
Cprocess_timer | Struct used to start and stop both timer and stopwatch clocks |
Cproduct_to_twa | Convert a (cube) product automaton into a twa Note that this algorithm cannot be run in parallel |
Cptr_hash | A hash function for pointers |
Crandltlgenerator | |
Crandom_boolean | Generate random Boolean formulae |
►Crandom_formula | Base class for random formula generators |
Cop_proba | |
Crandom_ltl | Generate random LTL formulae |
Crandom_psl | Generate random PSL formulae |
Crandom_sere | Generate random SERE |
Crealizability_simplifier | Simplify a reactive specification, preserving realizability |
Creduce_parity_data | Internal data computed by the reduce_parity function |
Cremove_ap | |
Crs_pairs_view | |
Csatsolver | Interface with a SAT solver |
Csatsolver_command | Interface with a given sat solver |
Cscc_and_mark_filter | Create a filter for SCC and marks |
Cscc_info | Compute an SCC map and gather assorted information |
Cscc_info_node | Storage for SCC related information |
►Cscc_stack | |
Cconnected_component | |
►Cscc_stack_ta | |
Cconnected_component | |
Cset_state | Set of states deriving from spot::state |
Cspins_interface | Implementation of the PINS interface. This class is a wrapper that, given a file, will compile it w.r.t the PINS interface. The class can then be manipulated transparently whatever the input format considered |
Cstat_printer | Prints various statistics about a TGBA |
Cstate | Abstract class for states |
Cstate_product | A state for spot::twa_product |
Cstate_ptr_equal | An Equivalence Relation for state* |
Cstate_ptr_hash | Hash Function for state* |
Cstate_ptr_less_than | Strict Weak Ordering for state* |
Cstate_shared_ptr_equal | An Equivalence Relation for shared_state (shared_ptr<const state*>) |
Cstate_shared_ptr_hash | Hash Function for shared_state (shared_ptr<const state*>) |
Cstate_shared_ptr_less_than | Strict Weak Ordering for shared_state (shared_ptr<const state*>) |
►Cstate_ta_explicit | |
Ctransition | Explicit transitions |
Cstate_ta_product | A state for spot::ta_product |
Cstate_unicity_table | Render state pointers unique via a hash table |
Cstopwatch | A simple stopwatch |
Cswarmed_bloemen | This class implements the SCC decomposition algorithm of bloemen as described in PPOPP'16. It uses a shared union-find augmented to manage work stealing between threads |
Cswarmed_bloemen_ec | This class implements the SCC decomposition algorithm of bloemen as described in PPOPP'16. It uses a shared union-find augmented to manage work stealing between threads |
Cswarmed_cndfs | |
Cswarmed_deadlock | This class aims to explore a model to detect wether it contains a deadlock. This deadlock detection performs a DFS traversal sharing information shared among multiple threads. If Deadlock equals std::true_type performs deadlock algorithm, otherwise perform a simple reachability |
►Csynthesis_info | Benchmarking data and options for synthesis |
Cbench_var | |
Cta | A Testing Automaton |
Cta_check | Check whether the language of a product (spot::ta_product) between a Kripke structure and a TA is empty. It works also for the product using Generalized TA (GTA and SGTA) |
Cta_explicit | |
Cta_explicit_succ_iterator | Successor iterators used by spot::ta_explicit |
Cta_product | A lazy product between a Testing automaton and a Kripke structure. (States are computed on the fly.) |
Cta_reachable_iterator | Iterate over all reachable states of a spot::ta |
Cta_reachable_iterator_breadth_first | An implementation of spot::ta_reachable_iterator that browses states breadth first |
Cta_reachable_iterator_depth_first | An implementation of spot::ta_reachable_iterator that browses states depth first |
Cta_statistics | |
Cta_succ_iterator | Iterate over the successors of a state |
Cta_succ_iterator_product | Iterate over the successors of a product computed on the fly |
Cta_succ_iterator_product_by_changeset | |
Ctaa_succ_iterator | |
►Ctaa_tgba | A self-loop Transition-based Alternating Automaton (TAA) which is seen as a TGBA (abstract class, see below) |
Ctransition | Explicit transitions |
Ctaa_tgba_formula | |
Ctaa_tgba_labelled | |
Ctaa_tgba_string | |
Ctemporary_file | Temporary file name |
Ctgta | A Transition-based Generalized Testing Automaton (TGTA) |
Ctgta_explicit | |
Ctgta_product | A lazy product. (States are computed on the fly.) |
Ctgta_succ_iterator_product | Iterate over the successors of a product computed on the fly |
Ctime_info | A structure to record elapsed time in clock ticks |
Ctimer | |
Ctimer_map | A map of timer, where each timer has a name |
Ctl_simplifier | Rewrite or simplify f in various ways |
Ctl_simplifier_options | |
Cto_parity_data | |
Cto_parity_options | Options to control various optimizations of to_parity() |
Ctrans_index | Class for iterators over transitions |
Ctransition | Class for representing a transition |
Ctransition_info | |
Ctranslator | Translate an LTL formula into an optimized spot::tgba |
Ctrival | A class implementing Kleene's three-valued logic |
Ctwa | A Transition-based ω-Automaton |
Ctwa_graph | Graph-based representation of a TωA |
Ctwa_graph_edge_data | Data attached to edges of a twa_graph |
Ctwa_graph_state | Graph-based representation of a TωA |
Ctwa_graph_succ_iterator | Iterator used by the on-the-fly interface of twa_graph |
Ctwa_product | A lazy product. (States are computed on the fly.) |
Ctwa_product_init | A lazy product with different initial states |
Ctwa_reachable_iterator | Iterate over all reachable states of a spot::tgba |
Ctwa_reachable_iterator_breadth_first | An implementation of spot::twa_reachable_iterator that browses states breadth first |
►Ctwa_reachable_iterator_depth_first | Iterate over all states of an automaton using a DFS |
Cstack_item | |
Ctwa_reachable_iterator_depth_first_stack | Iterate over all states of an automaton using a DFS |
►Ctwa_run | An accepted run, for a twa |
Cstep | |
Ctwa_statistics | |
Ctwa_sub_statistics | |
Ctwa_succ_iterator | Iterate over the successors of a state |
Ctwa_word | An infinite word stored as a lasso |
Ctwacube | Class for representing a thread-safe twa |
Cunabbreviator | Clone and rewrite a formula to remove specified operators logical operators |
Cunsigned_statistics | |
►Czielonka_tree | Zielonka Tree implementation |
Czielonka_node | |