Identifiers for automaton patterns.
Enumerator |
AUT_KS_NCA | A family of co-Büchi automata.
Builds a co-Büchi automaton of size 2n+1 that is
good-for-games and that has no equivalent deterministic
co-Büchi automaton with less than 2^n / (2n+1) states.
\cite kuperberg.15.icalp
Only defined for n>0.
AUT_L_NBA | Hard-to-complement non-deterministic Büchi automata.
Build a non-deterministic Büchi automaton with 3n+1 states
and whose complementary language requires an automaton with
at least n! states if Streett acceptance is used.
Only defined for n>0. The automaton constructed corresponds
to the right part of Fig.1 of \cite loding.99.fstts , except
that only state q_1 is initial. (The fact that states q_2,
q_3, ..., and q_n are not initial as in the paper does not
change the recognized language.)
AUT_L_DSA | DSA hard to convert to DRA.
Build a deterministic Streett automaton 4n states, and n
acceptance pairs, such that an equivalent deterministic Rabin
automaton would require at least n! states.
Only defined for 1<n<=16 because Spot does not support more
than 32 acceptance pairs.
This automaton corresponds to the right part of Fig.2 of
\cite loding.99.fstts .
AUT_M_NBA | An NBA with (n+1) states whose complement needs ≥n! states.
This automaton is usually attributed to Max Michel (1988),
who described it in some unpublished document. Other
descriptions of this automaton can be found in a number
of papers \cite thomas.97.chapter .
Our implementation uses $\lceil \log_2(n+1)\rceil$ atomic
propositions to encode the $n+1$ letters used in the
original alphabet.
AUT_CYCLIST_TRACE_NBA | An NBA with (n+2) states derived from a Cyclic test case.
This family of automata is derived from a couple of examples supplied by Reuben Rowe. The task is to check that the automaton generated with AUT_CYCLIST_TRACE_NBA for a given n contain the automaton generated with AUT_CYCLIST_PROOF_DBA for the same n.
AUT_CYCLIST_PROOF_DBA | A DBA with (n+2) states derived from a Cyclic test case.
This family of automata is derived from a couple of examples supplied by Reuben Rowe. The task is to check that the automaton generated with AUT_CYCLIST_TRACE_NBA for a given n contain the automaton generated with AUT_CYCLIST_PROOF_DBA for the same n.
AUT_CYCLE_LOG_NBA | cycles of n letters repeated n times
This is a Büchi automaton with n^2 states, in which each
state i has a true self-loop and a successor labeled by the
(i%n)th letter. Only the states that are multiple of n have
no self-loop and are accepting.
This version uses log(n) atomic propositions to
encore the n letters as minterms.
AUT_CYCLE_ONEHOT_NBA | cycles of n letters repeated n times
This is a Büchi automaton with n^2 states, in which each
state i has a true self-loop and a successor labeled by the
(i%n)th letter. Only the states that are multiple of n have
no self-loop and are accepting.
This version uses one-hot encoding of letters, i.e, n atomic
propositions are used, but only one is positive (except on
true self-loops).