genltl - generate LTL formulas from scalable patterns
genltl [OPTION...]
Generate temporal logic formulas from predefined patterns.
--and-f=RANGE, --gh-e=RANGE
--and-gf=RANGE, --ccj-phi=RANGE, --gh-c2=RANGE
F(p1&F(p2&F(p3&...F(pn)))) & F(q1&F(q2&F(q3&...F(qn))))
F(p&X(p&X(p&...X(p)))) & F(q&X(q&X(q&...X(q))))
--ccj-beta-prime=RANGE F(p&(Xp)&(XXp)&...(X...X(p))) &
--dac-patterns[=RANGE], --spec-patterns[=RANGE]
Dwyer et al. [FMSP’98] Spec. Patterns for LTL (range should be included in 1..55)
Etessami and Holzmann [Concur’00] patterns (range should be included in 1..12)
G[0..n]((a S b) -> c) rewritten using future operators
F(p0 | XG(p1 | XG(p2 | ... XG(pn))))
(GFa1 & GFa2 & ... & GFan) <-> GFz
GF(a <-> X^n(a))
(GFa1 & GFa2 & ... & GFan) -> GFz
GF(a -> X^n(a))
(GF(p1)|FG(p2))&(GF(p2)|FG(p3))&... &(GF(pn)|FG(p{n+1}))
!((GF(p1)&GF(p2)&...&GF(pn)) -> G(q->F(r)))
G(p0 & XF(p1 & XF(p2 & ... XF(pn))))
--hkrss-patterns[=RANGE], --liberouter-patterns[=RANGE]
Holeček et al. patterns from the Liberouter project (range should be included in 1..55)
linear formula with doubly exponential DBA
quasilinear formula with doubly exponential DBA
--kv-psi=RANGE, --kr-n2=RANGE
quadratic formula with doubly exponential DBA
--or-fg=RANGE, --ccj-xi=RANGE
--or-g=RANGE, --gh-s=RANGE
--or-gf=RANGE, --gh-c1=RANGE
--p-patterns[=RANGE], --beem-patterns[=RANGE], --p[=RANGE]
Pelánek [Spin’07] patterns from BEEM (range should be included in 1..20)
Arbiter with n clients that sent requests (ri) and receive grants (gi). Standard semantics.
Arbiter with n clients that sent requests (ri) and receive grants (gi). Strict semantics.
(((p1 R p2) R p3) ... R pn)
(p1 R (p2 R (... R pn)))
n-bit counter
n-bit counter w/ carry
n-bit counter w/ carry (linear size)
n-bit counter (linear size)
Somenzi and Bloem [CAV’00] patterns (range should be included in 1..27)
--sejk-f=RANGE[,RANGE] f(0,j)=(GFa0 U X^j(b)), f(i,j)=(GFai U
(GFa1&...&GFan) -> (GFb1&...&GFbn)
φ₁,φ₂,φ₃ from Sikert et al’s [CAV’16] paper (range should be included in 1..3)
G(p -> (q | Xq | ... | XX...Xq)
G(p -> (q | X(q | X(... | Xq)))
G(p -> (q & Xq & ... & XX...Xq)
G(p -> (q & X(q & X(... & Xq)))
G(p1 -> (p1 U (p2 & (p2 U (p3 & (p3 U ...))))))
--u-left=RANGE, --gh-u=RANGE
(((p1 U p2) U p3) ... U pn)
--u-right=RANGE, --gh-u2=RANGE, --go-phi=RANGE
(p1 U (p2 U (... U pn)))
RANGE may have one of the following forms: ’INT’, ’INT..INT’, or ’..INT’. In the latter case, the missing number is assumed to be 1.
-0, --zero-terminated-output
separate output formulas with \0 instead of \n (for use with xargs -0)
-8, --utf8
output using UTF-8 characters
--format=FORMAT, --stats=FORMAT
specify how each line should be output (default: "%f")
-l, --lbt
output in LBT’s syntax
output using LaTeX macros
--negative, --negated
output the negated versions of all formulas
-o, --output=FORMAT
send output to a file named FORMAT instead of standard output. The first formula sent to a file truncates it unless FORMAT starts with ’>>’.
output the positive versions of all formulas (done by default, unless --negative is specified without --positive)
-p, --full-parentheses
output fully-parenthesized formulas
-s, --spin
output in Spin’s syntax
--spot |
output in Spot’s syntax (default) |
output in Wring’s syntax
The FORMAT string passed to --format may use the following interpreted sequences:
%% |
a single % | ||
%b |
the Boolean-length of the formula (i.e., all Boolean subformulas count as 1) | ||
%f |
the formula (in the selected syntax) | ||
%F |
the name of the pattern |
%h, %[vw]h
the class of the formula is the Manna-Pnueli hierarchy ([v] replaces abbreviations by class names, [w] for all compatible classes)
%l |
serial number of the output formula (0-based) | ||
%L |
the argument of the pattern | ||
%[OP]n |
the nesting depth of operator OP. OP should be a single letter denoting the operator to count, or multiple letters to fuse several operators during depth evaluation. Add ’~’ to rewrite the formula in negative normal form before counting. | ||
%s |
the length (or size) of the formula |
number of atomic propositions used in the
add LETTERS to list atomic propositions
with (n) no quoting, (s) occasional double-quotes
with C-style escape, (d) double-quotes with C-style escape, (c) double-quotes with CSV-style escape, (p) between parentheses, any extra non-alphanumeric character will be used to separate propositions
--help |
print this help |
print program version
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.
If you would like to give a reference to this tool in an article, we suggest you cite the following paper:
• |
Alexandre Duret-Lutz: Manipulating LTL formulas using Spot 1.0. Proceedings of ATVA’13. LNCS 8172. |
Prefixes used in pattern names refer to the following papers:
ccj |
J. Cichoń, A. Czubak, and A. Jasiński: Minimal Büchi Automata for Certain Classes of LTL Formulas. Proceedings of DepCoS’09. | ||
dac |
M. B. Dwyer and G. S. Avrunin and J. C. Corbett: Property Specification Patterns for Finite-state Verification. Proceedings of FMSP’98. | ||
eh |
K. Etessami and G. J. Holzmann: Optimizing Büchi Automata. Proceedings of Concur’00. LNCS 1877. | ||
gh |
J. Geldenhuys and H. Hansen: Larger automata and less work for LTL model checking. Proceedings of Spin’06. LNCS 3925. | ||
hkrss |
J. Holeček, T. Kratochvila, V. Řehák, D. Šafránek, and P. Šimeček: Verification Results in Liberouter Project. Tech. Report 03, CESNET, 2004. | ||
go |
P. Gastin and D. Oddoux: Fast LTL to Büchi Automata Translation. Proceedings of CAV’01. LNCS 2102. | ||
kr |
O. Kupferman and A. Rosenberg: The Blow-Up in Translating LTL to Deterministic Automata. Proceedings of MoChArt’10. LNAI 6572. | ||
kv |
O. Kupferman and M. Y. Vardi: From Linear Time to Branching Time. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 6(2):273-294, 2005. | ||
ms |
D. Müller and S. Sickert: LTL to Deterministic Emerson-Lei Automata. Proceedings of GandALF’17. EPTCS 256. | ||
p |
R. Pelánek: BEEM: benchmarks for explicit model checkers Proceedings of Spin’07. LNCS 4595. | ||
pps |
N. Piterman, A. Pnueli, and Y. Sa’ar: Synthesis of Reactive(1) Designs. Proceedings of VMCAI’06. LNCS 3855. | ||
rv |
K. Rozier and M. Vardi: LTL Satisfiability Checking. Proceedings of Spin’07. LNCS 4595. | ||
sb |
F. Somenzi and R. Bloem: Efficient Büchi Automata for LTL Formulae. Proceedings of CAV’00. LNCS 1855. | ||
sejk |
S. Sickert, J. Esparza, S. Jaax, and J. Křetínský: Limit-Deterministic Büchi Automata for Linear Temporal Logic. Proceedings of CAV’16. LNCS 9780. | ||
tv |
D. Tabakov and M. Y. Vardi: Optimized Temporal Monitors for SystemC. Proceedings of RV’10. LNCS 6418. |
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