Installing Spot

Table of Contents

Installing and compiling from a tarball

The latest release of Spot is version 2.12.1 and was released on 2024-09-23:

Past releases can be found in the same directory. If you are interested in future releases, you can always peek at the last successful development build.


Spot requires a C++17-compliant compiler. g++ 7.0 or later, as well as clang++ 5.0 or later should work.

Spot expects a complete installation of Python (version 3.6 or later). Especially, Python's headers files should be installed (the package to install has a name like python-dev or libpython3-dev in most distributions). If you don't have Python installed, and do NOT want to install it, you should run ./configure with the --disable-python option.


The installation follows the usual ./configure, make, make install steps.

Please do install Spot somewhere: while skipping make install and running the command-line tools directly from the build directory should work, it will be slower than if you run make install and run the installed binaries.

By default, make install will install everything under /usr/local/, so unless you have write access to this directory you will either have to run sudo make install, or choose another installation prefix.

For instance to install Spot in ~/usr (i.e., in your home directory), use

./configure --prefix ~/usr
make install

Before running make install, you might want to run make check to run our test-suite.

Files INSTALL and README included in the tarball contains more explanations about the various options you can use during the compilation process. Also note that README has a section about troubleshooting installations.

Installing the Debian packages

We build Debian packages for amd64 and i386, for both releases and the development versions. Packages for releases are built for Debian Bullseye (a.k.a. Debian stable) while packages for development are built for Sid (a.k.a. Debian unstable).

Here is how to install the stable packages:

wget -q -O - https://www.lrde.epita.fr/repo/debian.gpg | apt-key add -
echo 'deb http://www.lrde.epita.fr/repo/debian/ stable/' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install spot libspot-dev spot-doc python3-spot # Or a subset of those

Here is how to install the unstable packages:

wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/lrde.gpg https://www.lrde.epita.fr/repo/debian.gpg
echo 'deb http://www.lrde.epita.fr/repo/debian/ unstable/' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install spot libspot-dev spot-doc python3-spot # Or a subset of those

Note that our Debian repository is signed since that is the new Debian policy, and both of the above command blocks start with a download of our GPG key. Its fingerprint is 209B 7362 CFD6 FECF B41D 717F 03D9 9E74 44F2 A84A, if you want to verify it. If you have an old copy of the GPG key that expired, please download it again: the current version should be valid until 2032.

The package spot contains the command-line tools. libspot-dev contains the header files if you plan to use Spot in a C++17 program. spot-doc contains some html (including these pages) and pdf documentation. Finally python3-spot contains some Python bindings (this package also installs some ipython notebooks that you can use as examples). The packages containing the libraries (libspot0, libbddx0, libspotltsmin0) are automatically installed as dependencies of the previous packages.

Installing the Fedora packages

We build Fedora packages for amd64, for both releases and the development versions. Both builds are currently made for Fedora 28.

Our `stable` repository contains RPM for released versions of Spot, add it with:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://www.lrde.epita.fr/repo/fedora/lrde.repo

Our `unstable` repository contains RPM for the development versions of Spot, you can opt to use that instead:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://www.lrde.epita.fr/repo/fedora/lrde.repo
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled lrde-unstable
sudo dnf config-manager --set-disabled lrde-stable

Once the repository is set up, you can simply install Spot with:

sudo dnf install spot python3-spot spot-devel spot-doc

or a subset of those packages. The package spot contains the command-line tools, python3-spot contains the Python bindings, spot-devel contains the C++ header files, and spot-doc the documentation that you can also find online. Those packages depend on libspot that contains the shared libraries.

Installing as a Conda package

Spot is available as a Conda-forge package for Linux and OS X.

A typical installation would go as follows:

conda create --name myenv python=3.8 # adjust as desired
conda activate myenv
conda install -c conda-forge spot

Note that this package is built automatically by the conda-forge infrastructure, but this requires some manual trigger after each release. Therefore, there might be a delay between the moment a release of Spot is announced, and the availability of the Conda package.

Installing and compiling from git

The master branch of the git repository contains the code for the latest released version, possibly with a few yet-to-be-released bug fixes. The next branch is the main development branch, and contains the (working) code that should be part of the next major release.

To clone the git repository, use

git clone https://gitlab.lre.epita.fr/spot/spot.git

This should put you on the next branch by default. From there, read the HACKING file that should be at the top of your cloned repository: it lists all the tools you should install before attempting to compile the source tree.