spot 2.12.2
1// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2// Copyright (C) by the Spot authors, see the AUTHORS file for details.
4// This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6// Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
9// (at your option) any later version.
11// Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
13// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
14// License for more details.
16// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17// along with this program. If not, see <>.
19#pragma once
21#include <vector>
22#include <iosfwd>
23#include <spot/graph/graph.hh>
24#include <spot/misc/hash.hh>
25#include <spot/twa/acc.hh>
26#include <spot/twacube/cube.hh>
27#include <spot/twacube/fwd.hh>
29namespace spot
32 class SPOT_API cstate
33 {
34 public:
35 cstate() = default;
36 cstate(const cstate& s) = delete;
37 cstate(cstate&& s) noexcept;
38 ~cstate() = default;
39 };
42 class SPOT_API transition
43 {
44 public:
45 transition() = default;
46 transition(const transition& t) = delete;
47 transition(transition&& t) noexcept;
49 ~transition() = default;
51 cube cube_;
53 };
56 class SPOT_API trans_index final:
57 public std::enable_shared_from_this<trans_index>
58 {
59 public:
63 trans_index(trans_index& ci) = delete;
64 trans_index(unsigned state, const graph_t& g):
65 st_(g.state_storage(state))
66 {
67 reset();
68 }
71 idx_(ci.idx_),
72 st_(ci.st_)
73 {
74 }
77 inline void reset()
78 {
79 idx_ = st_.succ;
80 }
83 inline void next()
84 {
85 ++idx_;
86 }
90 inline bool done() const
91 {
92 return !idx_ || idx_ > st_.succ_tail;
93 }
97 inline unsigned current(unsigned seed = 0) const
98 {
99 // no-swarming : since twacube are dedicated for parallelism, i.e.
100 // swarming, we expect swarming is activated.
101 if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(!seed))
102 return idx_;
103 // Here swarming performs a technique called "primitive
104 // root modulo n", i. e. for i in [1..n]: i*seed (mod n). We
105 // also must have seed prime with n: to solve this, we use
106 // precomputed primes and seed access one of this primes. Note
107 // that the chosen prime must be greater than n.
108 SPOT_ASSERT(primes[seed] > (st_.succ_tail-st_.succ+1));
109 unsigned long long c = (idx_-st_.succ) + 1;
110 unsigned long long p = primes[seed];
111 unsigned long long s = (st_.succ_tail-st_.succ+1);
112 return (unsigned) (((c*p) % s)+st_.succ);
113 }
115 private:
116 unsigned idx_;
117 const graph_t::state_storage_t& st_;
118 };
121 class SPOT_API twacube final: public std::enable_shared_from_this<twacube>
122 {
123 public:
124 twacube() = delete;
127 twacube(const std::vector<std::string> aps);
129 virtual ~twacube();
135 std::vector<std::string> ap() const;
138 unsigned new_state();
141 void set_initial(unsigned init);
144 unsigned get_initial() const;
147 cstate* state_from_int(unsigned i);
151 void create_transition(unsigned src,
152 const cube& cube,
153 const acc_cond::mark_t& mark,
154 unsigned dst);
157 const cubeset& get_cubeset() const;
161 bool succ_contiguous() const;
163 unsigned num_states() const
164 {
165 return theg_.num_states();
166 }
168 unsigned num_edges() const
169 {
170 return theg_.num_edges();
171 }
173 typedef digraph<cstate, transition> graph_t;
177 {
178 return theg_;
179 }
180 typedef graph_t::edge_storage_t edge_storage_t;
183 const graph_t::edge_storage_t&
184 trans_storage(std::shared_ptr<trans_index> ci,
185 unsigned seed = 0) const
186 {
187 return theg_.edge_storage(ci->current(seed));
188 }
191 const transition& trans_data(std::shared_ptr<trans_index> ci,
192 unsigned seed = 0) const
193 {
194 return theg_.edge_data(ci->current(seed));
195 }
198 std::shared_ptr<trans_index> succ(unsigned i) const
199 {
200 return std::make_shared<trans_index>(i, theg_);
201 }
203 friend SPOT_API std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
204 const twacube& twa);
205 private:
206 unsigned init_;
207 acc_cond acc_;
208 const std::vector<std::string> aps_;
209 graph_t theg_;
210 cubeset cubeset_;
211 };
213 inline twacube_ptr make_twacube(const std::vector<std::string> aps)
214 {
215 return std::make_shared<twacube>(aps);
216 }
An acceptance condition.
Definition: acc.hh:61
Class for thread-safe states.
Definition: twacube.hh:33
Definition: cube.hh:68
state_storage_t & state_storage(state s)
return a reference to the storage of a state
Definition: graph.hh:711
Abstract class for states.
Definition: twa.hh:47
Class for iterators over transitions.
Definition: twacube.hh:58
bool done() const
Returns a boolean indicating wether all the transitions have been iterated.
Definition: twacube.hh:90
unsigned current(unsigned seed=0) const
Returns the current transition according to a specific seed. The seed is traditionally the thread ide...
Definition: twacube.hh:97
void reset()
Reset the iterator on the first element.
Definition: twacube.hh:77
void next()
Iterate over the next transition.
Definition: twacube.hh:83
Class for representing a transition.
Definition: twacube.hh:43
Class for representing a thread-safe twa.
Definition: twacube.hh:122
unsigned new_state()
This method creates a new state.
acc_cond & acc()
Returns the acceptance condition associated to the automaton.
std::vector< std::string > ap() const
Returns the names of the atomic properties.
void create_transition(unsigned src, const cube &cube, const acc_cond::mark_t &mark, unsigned dst)
create a transition between state src and state dst, using cube as the labelling cube and mark as the...
unsigned get_initial() const
Returns the id of the initial state in the automaton.
bool succ_contiguous() const
Check if all the successors of a state are located contiguously in memory. This is mandatory for swar...
const graph_t::edge_storage_t & trans_storage(std::shared_ptr< trans_index > ci, unsigned seed=0) const
Returns the storage associated to a transition.
Definition: twacube.hh:184
const cubeset & get_cubeset() const
Accessor the cube's manipulator.
const transition & trans_data(std::shared_ptr< trans_index > ci, unsigned seed=0) const
Returns the data associated to a transition.
Definition: twacube.hh:191
cstate * state_from_int(unsigned i)
Accessor for a state from its id.
const graph_t & get_graph()
Returns the underlying graph for this automaton.
Definition: twacube.hh:176
twacube(const std::vector< std::string > aps)
Build a new automaton from a list of atomic propositions.
void set_initial(unsigned init)
Updates the initial state to init.
Definition: automata.hh:26
unsigned * cube
A cube is only a set of bits in memory.
Definition: cube.hh:65
An acceptance mark.
Definition: acc.hh:84
Definition: graph.hh:187

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Generated on Fri Feb 27 2015 10:00:07 for spot by doxygen 1.9.4