22#include <spot/misc/hash.hh>
27 enum relabeling_style { Abc, Pnn };
29 typedef std::map<formula, formula> relabeling_map;
41 relabeling_map* m =
67 relabeling_map* m =
formula relabel_apply(formula f, relabeling_map *m)
Replace atomic propositions of f by subformulas specified in m.
formula relabel_overlapping_bse(formula f, relabeling_style style, relabeling_map *m)
Relabel Boolean subexpressions in a formula using atomic propositions.
formula relabel(formula f, relabeling_style style, relabeling_map *m=nullptr)
Relabel the atomic propositions in a formula.
formula relabel_bse(formula f, relabeling_style style, relabeling_map *m=nullptr)
Relabel Boolean subexpressions in a formula using atomic propositions.
Definition: automata.hh:26