spot  2.11.6
1 // -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 // Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 Laboratoire
3 // de Recherche et Développement de l'Epita (LRDE).
4 //
5 // This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6 //
7 // Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 // (at your option) any later version.
11 //
12 // Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
15 // License for more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 // along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 #pragma once
22 #include <spot/misc/hash.hh>
23 #include <list>
24 #include <spot/twa/twa.hh>
25 #include <set>
26 #include <spot/tl/formula.hh>
27 #include <cassert>
28 #include <spot/misc/bddlt.hh>
29 #include <spot/ta/ta.hh>
31 namespace spot
32 {
33  // Forward declarations. See below.
34  class state_ta_explicit;
35  class ta_explicit;
39  class SPOT_API ta_explicit : public ta
40  {
41  public:
42  ta_explicit(const const_twa_ptr& tgba,
43  unsigned n_acc,
44  state_ta_explicit* artificial_initial_state = nullptr);
46  const_twa_ptr
47  get_tgba() const;
50  add_state(state_ta_explicit* s);
52  void
53  add_to_initial_states_set(state* s, bdd condition = bddfalse);
55  void
56  create_transition(state_ta_explicit* source, bdd condition,
57  acc_cond::mark_t acceptance_conditions,
58  const state_ta_explicit* dest,
59  bool add_at_beginning = false);
61  void
62  delete_stuttering_transitions();
63  // ta interface
64  virtual
65  ~ta_explicit();
66  virtual const_states_set_t get_initial_states_set() const override;
68  virtual ta_succ_iterator* succ_iter(const spot::state* s) const override;
70  virtual ta_succ_iterator*
71  succ_iter(const spot::state* s, bdd condition) const override;
73  bdd_dict_ptr get_dict() const;
75  virtual std::string
76  format_state(const spot::state* s) const override;
78  virtual bool
79  is_accepting_state(const spot::state* s) const override;
81  virtual bool
82  is_livelock_accepting_state(const spot::state* s) const override;
84  virtual bool
85  is_initial_state(const spot::state* s) const override;
87  virtual bdd
88  get_state_condition(const spot::state* s) const override;
90  virtual void
91  free_state(const spot::state* s) const override;
93  virtual spot::state*
95  {
96  return (spot::state*) artificial_initial_state_;
97  }
99  void
100  set_artificial_initial_state(state_ta_explicit* s)
101  {
102  artificial_initial_state_ = s;
104  }
106  void
107  delete_stuttering_and_hole_successors(const spot::state* s);
109  ta::states_set_t
111  {
112  return states_set_;
113  }
115  private:
116  // Disallow copy.
117  ta_explicit(const ta_explicit& other) = delete;
118  ta_explicit& operator=(const ta_explicit& other) = delete;
120  const_twa_ptr tgba_;
121  state_ta_explicit* artificial_initial_state_;
122  ta::states_set_t states_set_;
123  ta::const_states_set_t initial_states_set_;
124  };
128  class SPOT_API state_ta_explicit final: public spot::state
129  {
130 #ifndef SWIG
131  public:
134  struct transition
135  {
136  bdd condition;
137  acc_cond::mark_t acceptance_conditions;
138  const state_ta_explicit* dest;
139  };
141  typedef std::list<transition*> transitions;
143  state_ta_explicit(const state* tgba_state, const bdd tgba_condition,
144  bool is_initial_state = false,
145  bool is_accepting_state = false,
146  bool is_livelock_accepting_state = false,
147  transitions* trans = nullptr) :
148  tgba_state_(tgba_state), tgba_condition_(tgba_condition),
149  is_initial_state_(is_initial_state), is_accepting_state_(
150  is_accepting_state), is_livelock_accepting_state_(
151  is_livelock_accepting_state), transitions_(trans)
152  {
153  }
155  virtual int compare(const spot::state* other) const override;
156  virtual size_t hash() const override;
157  virtual state_ta_explicit* clone() const override;
159  virtual void destroy() const override
160  {
161  }
163  virtual
165  {
166  }
168  transitions*
169  get_transitions() const;
171  // return transitions filtred by condition
172  transitions*
173  get_transitions(bdd condition) const;
175  void
176  add_transition(transition* t, bool add_at_beginning = false);
178  const state*
179  get_tgba_state() const;
180  const bdd
181  get_tgba_condition() const;
182  bool
183  is_accepting_state() const;
184  void
185  set_accepting_state(bool is_accepting_state);
186  bool
187  is_livelock_accepting_state() const;
188  void
189  set_livelock_accepting_state(bool is_livelock_accepting_state);
191  bool
192  is_initial_state() const;
193  void
194  set_initial_state(bool is_initial_state);
197  bool
198  is_hole_state() const;
202  void
205  void
206  free_transitions();
208  state_ta_explicit* stuttering_reachable_livelock;
209  private:
210  const state* tgba_state_;
211  const bdd tgba_condition_;
212  bool is_initial_state_;
213  bool is_accepting_state_;
214  bool is_livelock_accepting_state_;
215  transitions* transitions_;
216  std::unordered_map<int, transitions*, std::hash<int>>
217  transitions_by_condition;
218 #endif // !SWIG
219  };
222  class SPOT_API ta_explicit_succ_iterator final: public ta_succ_iterator
223  {
224  public:
227  ta_explicit_succ_iterator(const state_ta_explicit* s, bdd condition);
229  virtual bool first() override;
230  virtual bool next() override;
231  virtual bool done() const override;
233  virtual const state* dst() const override;
234  virtual bdd cond() const override;
236  virtual acc_cond::mark_t acc() const override;
238  private:
239  state_ta_explicit::transitions* transitions_;
240  state_ta_explicit::transitions::const_iterator i_;
241  };
243  typedef std::shared_ptr<ta_explicit> ta_explicit_ptr;
244  typedef std::shared_ptr<const ta_explicit> const_ta_explicit_ptr;
246  inline ta_explicit_ptr
247  make_ta_explicit(const const_twa_ptr& tgba,
248  unsigned n_acc,
249  state_ta_explicit* artificial_initial_state = nullptr)
250  {
251  return std::make_shared<ta_explicit>(tgba, n_acc, artificial_initial_state);
252  }
253 }
Definition: taexplicit.hh:129
virtual state_ta_explicit * clone() const override
Duplicate a state.
void delete_stuttering_and_hole_successors()
Remove stuttering transitions and transitions leading to states having no successors.
virtual void destroy() const override
Release a state.
Definition: taexplicit.hh:159
virtual size_t hash() const override
Hash a state.
virtual int compare(const spot::state *other) const override
Compares two states (that come from the same automaton).
bool is_hole_state() const
Return true if the state has no successors.
Abstract class for states.
Definition: twa.hh:51
Successor iterators used by spot::ta_explicit.
Definition: taexplicit.hh:223
virtual bool next() override
Jump to the next successor (if any).
virtual bdd cond() const override
Get the condition on the edge leading to this successor.
virtual bool done() const override
Check whether the iteration is finished.
virtual acc_cond::mark_t acc() const override
Get the acceptance mark of the edge leading to this successor.
virtual bool first() override
Position the iterator on the first successor (if any).
virtual const state * dst() const override
Get the destination state of the current edge.
Definition: taexplicit.hh:40
virtual ta_succ_iterator * succ_iter(const spot::state *s) const override
Get an iterator over the successors of state.
virtual bool is_initial_state(const spot::state *s) const override
Return true if s is an initial state, otherwise false.
virtual bool is_accepting_state(const spot::state *s) const override
Return true if s is a Buchi-accepting state, otherwise false.
virtual const_states_set_t get_initial_states_set() const override
Get the initial states set of the automaton.
virtual std::string format_state(const spot::state *s) const override
Format the state as a string for printing.
virtual ta_succ_iterator * succ_iter(const spot::state *s, bdd condition) const override
Get an iterator over the successors of state filtred by the changeset on transitions.
virtual spot::state * get_artificial_initial_state() const override
Get the artificial initial state set of the automaton. Return 0 if this artificial state is not imple...
Definition: taexplicit.hh:94
virtual bool is_livelock_accepting_state(const spot::state *s) const override
Return true if s is a livelock-accepting state , otherwise false.
virtual void free_state(const spot::state *s) const override
Release a state s.
virtual bdd get_state_condition(const spot::state *s) const override
Return a BDD condition that represents the valuation of atomic propositions in the state s.
Iterate over the successors of a state.
Definition: ta.hh:198
A Testing Automaton.
Definition: ta.hh:76
LTL/PSL formula interface.
Definition: automata.hh:27
std::set< const state * > get_states_set(const const_ta_ptr &t)
Compute states set for an automaton.
An acceptance mark.
Definition: acc.hh:85
Explicit transitions.
Definition: taexplicit.hh:135

Please direct any question, comment, or bug report to the Spot mailing list at
Generated on Fri Feb 27 2015 10:00:07 for spot by doxygen 1.9.1