spot 2.12.2
1// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2// Copyright (C) by the Spot authors, see the AUTHORS file for details.
4// This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6// Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
9// (at your option) any later version.
11// Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
13// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
14// License for more details.
16// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17// along with this program. If not, see <>.
19#pragma once
21#include <set>
22#include <iosfwd>
23#include <vector>
24#include <string>
25#include <spot/misc/hash.hh>
26#include <spot/tl/formula.hh>
27#include <spot/twa/bdddict.hh>
28#include <spot/twa/twa.hh>
30namespace spot
34 class SPOT_API taa_tgba: public twa
35 {
36 public:
37 taa_tgba(const bdd_dict_ptr& dict);
39 struct transition;
40 typedef std::list<transition*> state;
41 typedef std::set<state*> state_set;
45 {
46 bdd condition;
47 acc_cond::mark_t acceptance_conditions;
48 const state_set* dst;
49 };
51 void add_condition(transition* t, formula f);
54 virtual ~taa_tgba();
55 virtual spot::state* get_init_state() const override final;
56 virtual twa_succ_iterator* succ_iter(const spot::state* state)
57 const override final;
59 protected:
61 typedef std::vector<taa_tgba::state_set*> ss_vec;
63 taa_tgba::state_set* init_;
64 ss_vec state_set_vec_;
66 std::map<formula, acc_cond::mark_t> acc_map_;
68 private:
69 // Disallow copy.
70 taa_tgba(const taa_tgba& other) = delete;
71 taa_tgba& operator=(const taa_tgba& other) = delete;
72 };
75 class SPOT_API set_state final: public spot::state
76 {
77 public:
78 set_state(const taa_tgba::state_set* s, bool delete_me = false)
79 : s_(s), delete_me_(delete_me)
80 {
81 }
83 virtual int compare(const spot::state*) const override;
84 virtual size_t hash() const override;
85 virtual set_state* clone() const override;
87 virtual ~set_state()
88 {
89 if (delete_me_)
90 delete s_;
91 }
93 const taa_tgba::state_set* get_state() const;
94 private:
95 const taa_tgba::state_set* s_;
96 bool delete_me_;
97 };
99 class SPOT_API taa_succ_iterator final: public twa_succ_iterator
100 {
101 public:
102 taa_succ_iterator(const taa_tgba::state_set* s, const acc_cond& acc);
103 virtual ~taa_succ_iterator();
105 virtual bool first() override;
106 virtual bool next() override;
107 virtual bool done() const override;
109 virtual set_state* dst() const override;
110 virtual bdd cond() const override;
111 virtual acc_cond::mark_t acc() const override;
113 private:
116 typedef taa_tgba::state::const_iterator iterator;
117 typedef std::pair<iterator, iterator> iterator_pair;
118 typedef std::vector<iterator_pair> bounds_t;
119 typedef std::unordered_map<const spot::set_state*,
120 std::vector<taa_tgba::transition*>,
123 struct distance_sort
124 {
125 bool
126 operator()(const iterator_pair& lhs, const iterator_pair& rhs) const
127 {
128 return std::distance(lhs.first, lhs.second) <
129 std::distance(rhs.first, rhs.second);
130 }
131 };
133 std::vector<taa_tgba::transition*>::const_iterator i_;
134 std::vector<taa_tgba::transition*> succ_;
135 seen_map seen_;
136 const acc_cond& acc_;
137 };
141 template<typename label>
142 class SPOT_API taa_tgba_labelled: public taa_tgba
143 {
144 public:
145 taa_tgba_labelled(const bdd_dict_ptr& dict) : taa_tgba(dict) {};
148 {
149 for (auto i: name_state_map_)
150 {
151 for (auto i2: *i.second)
152 delete i2;
153 delete i.second;
154 }
155 }
157 void set_init_state(const label& s)
158 {
159 std::vector<label> v(1);
160 v[0] = s;
161 set_init_state(v);
162 }
163 void set_init_state(const std::vector<label>& s)
164 {
165 init_ = add_state_set(s);
166 }
169 create_transition(const label& s,
170 const std::vector<label>& d)
171 {
172 state* src = add_state(s);
173 state_set* dst = add_state_set(d);
174 transition* t = new transition;
175 t->dst = dst;
176 t->condition = bddtrue;
177 t->acceptance_conditions = {};
178 src->emplace_back(t);
179 return t;
180 }
183 create_transition(const label& s, const label& d)
184 {
185 std::vector<std::string> vec;
186 vec.emplace_back(d);
187 return create_transition(s, vec);
188 }
190 void add_acceptance_condition(transition* t, formula f)
191 {
192 auto p = acc_map_.emplace(f, acc_cond::mark_t({}));
193 if (p.second)
194 p.first->second = acc_cond::mark_t({acc().add_set()});
195 t->acceptance_conditions |= p.first->second;
196 }
206 virtual std::string format_state(const spot::state* s) const override
207 {
208 const spot::set_state* se = down_cast<const spot::set_state*>(s);
209 const state_set* ss = se->get_state();
210 return format_state_set(ss);
211 }
214 void output(std::ostream& os) const
215 {
216 typename ns_map::const_iterator i;
217 for (i = name_state_map_.begin(); i != name_state_map_.end(); ++i)
218 {
219 taa_tgba::state::const_iterator i2;
220 os << "State: " << label_to_string(i->first) << std::endl;
221 for (i2 = i->second->begin(); i2 != i->second->end(); ++i2)
222 {
223 os << ' ' << format_state_set((*i2)->dst)
224 << ", C:" << (*i2)->condition
225 << ", A:" << (*i2)->acceptance_conditions << std::endl;
226 }
227 }
228 }
230 protected:
231 typedef label label_t;
233 typedef std::unordered_map<label, taa_tgba::state*> ns_map;
234 typedef std::unordered_map<const taa_tgba::state*, label,
237 ns_map name_state_map_;
238 sn_map state_name_map_;
241 virtual std::string label_to_string(const label_t& lbl) const = 0;
243 private:
246 taa_tgba::state* add_state(const label& name)
247 {
248 typename ns_map::iterator i = name_state_map_.find(name);
249 if (i == name_state_map_.end())
250 {
251 taa_tgba::state* s = new taa_tgba::state;
252 name_state_map_[name] = s;
253 state_name_map_[s] = name;
254 return s;
255 }
256 return i->second;
257 }
260 taa_tgba::state_set* add_state_set(const std::vector<label>& names)
261 {
262 state_set* ss = new state_set;
263 for (unsigned i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
264 ss->insert(add_state(names[i]));
265 state_set_vec_.emplace_back(ss);
266 return ss;
267 }
269 std::string format_state_set(const taa_tgba::state_set* ss) const
270 {
271 state_set::const_iterator i1 = ss->begin();
272 typename sn_map::const_iterator i2;
273 if (ss->empty())
274 return std::string("{}");
275 if (ss->size() == 1)
276 {
277 i2 = state_name_map_.find(*i1);
278 SPOT_ASSERT(i2 != state_name_map_.end());
279 return "{" + label_to_string(i2->second) + "}";
280 }
281 else
282 {
283 std::string res("{");
284 while (i1 != ss->end())
285 {
286 i2 = state_name_map_.find(*i1++);
287 SPOT_ASSERT(i2 != state_name_map_.end());
288 res += label_to_string(i2->second);
289 res += ",";
290 }
291 res[res.size() - 1] = '}';
292 return res;
293 }
294 }
295 };
297 class SPOT_API taa_tgba_string final:
298#ifndef SWIG
299 public taa_tgba_labelled<std::string>
301 public taa_tgba
303 {
304 public:
305 taa_tgba_string(const bdd_dict_ptr& dict) :
308 {}
309 protected:
310 virtual std::string label_to_string(const std::string& label)
311 const override;
312 };
314 typedef std::shared_ptr<taa_tgba_string> taa_tgba_string_ptr;
315 typedef std::shared_ptr<const taa_tgba_string> const_taa_tgba_string_ptr;
317 inline taa_tgba_string_ptr make_taa_tgba_string(const bdd_dict_ptr& dict)
318 {
319 return SPOT_make_shared_enabled__(taa_tgba_string, dict);
320 }
322 class SPOT_API taa_tgba_formula final:
323#ifndef SWIG
324 public taa_tgba_labelled<formula>
326 public taa_tgba
328 {
329 public:
330 taa_tgba_formula(const bdd_dict_ptr& dict) :
333 {}
334 protected:
335 virtual std::string label_to_string(const label_t& label)
336 const override;
337 };
339 typedef std::shared_ptr<taa_tgba_formula> taa_tgba_formula_ptr;
340 typedef std::shared_ptr<const taa_tgba_formula> const_taa_tgba_formula_ptr;
342 inline taa_tgba_formula_ptr make_taa_tgba_formula(const bdd_dict_ptr& dict)
343 {
344 return SPOT_make_shared_enabled__(taa_tgba_formula, dict);
345 }
An acceptance condition.
Definition: acc.hh:61
Main class for temporal logic formula.
Definition: formula.hh:732
Set of states deriving from spot::state.
Definition: taatgba.hh:76
virtual size_t hash() const override
Hash a state.
virtual set_state * clone() const override
Duplicate a state.
virtual int compare(const spot::state *) const override
Compares two states (that come from the same automaton).
Abstract class for states.
Definition: twa.hh:47
Definition: taatgba.hh:100
virtual bool next() override
Jump to the next successor (if any).
virtual set_state * dst() const override
Get the destination state of the current edge.
virtual bdd cond() const override
Get the condition on the edge leading to this successor.
virtual acc_cond::mark_t acc() const override
Get the acceptance mark of the edge leading to this successor.
virtual bool done() const override
Check whether the iteration is finished.
virtual bool first() override
Position the iterator on the first successor (if any).
Definition: taatgba.hh:328
virtual std::string label_to_string(const label_t &label) const override
Return a label as a string.
Definition: taatgba.hh:143
virtual std::string format_state(const spot::state *s) const override
Format the state as a string for printing.
Definition: taatgba.hh:206
void output(std::ostream &os) const
Output a TAA in a stream.
Definition: taatgba.hh:214
virtual std::string label_to_string(const label_t &lbl) const =0
Return a label as a string.
Definition: taatgba.hh:303
virtual std::string label_to_string(const std::string &label) const override
Return a label as a string.
A self-loop Transition-based Alternating Automaton (TAA) which is seen as a TGBA (abstract class,...
Definition: taatgba.hh:35
virtual spot::state * get_init_state() const override final
Get the initial state of the automaton.
virtual ~taa_tgba()
TGBA interface.
Iterate over the successors of a state.
Definition: twa.hh:394
A Transition-based ω-Automaton.
Definition: twa.hh:619
LTL/PSL formula interface.
Definition: automata.hh:26
std::unordered_set< const state *, state_ptr_hash, state_ptr_equal > state_set
Unordered set of abstract states.
Definition: twa.hh:186
An acceptance mark.
Definition: acc.hh:84
A hash function for pointers.
Definition: hash.hh:36
An Equivalence Relation for state*.
Definition: twa.hh:147
Hash Function for state*.
Definition: twa.hh:171
Explicit transitions.
Definition: taatgba.hh:45

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Generated on Fri Feb 27 2015 10:00:07 for spot by doxygen 1.9.4