22#include <spot/misc/optionmap.hh>
23#include <spot/twa/fwd.hh>
24#include <spot/twaalgos/emptiness.hh>
87 SPOT_API emptiness_check_ptr
108 SPOT_API emptiness_check_ptr
119 SPOT_API emptiness_check_ptr
Manage a map of options.
Definition: optionmap.hh:34
emptiness_check_ptr se05(const const_twa_ptr &a, option_map o)
Wrapper for the two se05 implementations.
emptiness_check_ptr bit_state_hashing_se05_search(const const_twa_ptr &a, size_t size, option_map o=option_map())
Returns an emptiness checker on the spot::tgba automaton a.
emptiness_check_ptr explicit_se05_search(const const_twa_ptr &a, option_map o=option_map())
Returns an emptiness check on the spot::tgba automaton a.
Definition: automata.hh:26