spot  2.11.6
1 // -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 // Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Laboratoire de Recherche et Développement
3 // de l'Epita (LRDE).
4 //
5 // This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6 //
7 // Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 // (at your option) any later version.
11 //
12 // Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
15 // License for more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 // along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 #pragma once
22 #include <vector>
23 #include <spot/twa/twagraph.hh>
24 #include <spot/twaalgos/emptiness.hh>
25 #include <spot/misc/bitvect.hh>
27 namespace spot
28 {
29  class scc_info;
57  enum class edge_filter_choice { keep, ignore, cut };
59  (*edge_filter)(const twa_graph::edge_storage_t& e, unsigned dst,
60  void* filter_data);
63  namespace internal
64  {
65  struct keep_all
66  {
67  template <typename Iterator>
68  bool operator()(Iterator, Iterator) const noexcept
69  {
70  return true;
71  }
72  };
74  // Keep only transitions that have at least one destination in the
75  // current SCC.
77  {
78  private:
79  const std::vector<unsigned>& sccof_;
80  unsigned desired_scc_;
81  public:
82  keep_inner_scc(const std::vector<unsigned>& sccof, unsigned desired_scc)
83  : sccof_(sccof), desired_scc_(desired_scc)
84  {
85  }
87  template <typename Iterator>
88  bool operator()(Iterator begin, Iterator end) const noexcept
89  {
90  bool want = false;
91  while (begin != end)
92  if (sccof_[*begin++] == desired_scc_)
93  {
94  want = true;
95  break;
96  }
97  return want;
98  }
99  };
101  template <typename Graph, typename Filter>
102  class SPOT_API scc_edge_iterator
103  {
104  public:
105  typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_const<Graph>::value,
106  const typename Graph::edge_storage_t,
107  typename Graph::edge_storage_t>::type
108  value_type;
109  typedef value_type& reference;
110  typedef value_type* pointer;
111  typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
112  typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
114  typedef std::vector<unsigned>::const_iterator state_iterator;
116  typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_const<Graph>::value,
117  const typename Graph::edge_vector_t,
118  typename Graph::edge_vector_t>::type
119  tv_t;
121  typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_const<Graph>::value,
122  const typename Graph::state_vector,
123  typename Graph::state_vector>::type
124  sv_t;
125  typedef const typename Graph::dests_vector_t dv_t;
126  protected:
128  state_iterator pos_;
129  state_iterator end_;
130  unsigned t_;
131  tv_t* tv_;
132  sv_t* sv_;
133  dv_t* dv_;
135  Filter filt_;
136  edge_filter efilter_;
137  void* efilter_data_;
140  void inc_state_maybe_()
141  {
142  while (!t_ && (++pos_ != end_))
143  t_ = (*sv_)[*pos_].succ;
144  }
146  void inc_()
147  {
148  t_ = (*tv_)[t_].next_succ;
149  inc_state_maybe_();
150  }
152  // Do we ignore the current transition?
153  bool ignore_current()
154  {
155  unsigned dst = (*this)->dst;
156  if ((int)dst >= 0)
157  {
158  // Non-universal branching => a single destination.
159  if (!filt_(&(*this)->dst, 1 + &(*this)->dst))
160  return true;
161  if (efilter_)
162  return efilter_((*tv_)[t_], dst, efilter_data_)
163  != edge_filter_choice::keep;
164  return false;
165  }
166  else
167  {
168  // Universal branching => multiple destinations.
169  const unsigned* d = dv_->data() + ~dst;
170  if (!filt_(d + 1, d + *d + 1))
171  return true;
172  if (efilter_)
173  {
174  // Keep the transition if at least one destination
175  // is not filtered.
176  const unsigned* end = d + *d + 1;
177  for (const unsigned* i = d + 1; i != end; ++i)
178  {
179  if (efilter_((*tv_)[t_], *i, efilter_data_)
180  == edge_filter_choice::keep)
181  return false;
182  return true;
183  }
184  }
185  return false;
186  }
187  }
189  public:
190  scc_edge_iterator(state_iterator begin, state_iterator end,
191  tv_t* tv, sv_t* sv, dv_t* dv, Filter filt,
192  edge_filter efilter, void* efilter_data) noexcept
193  : pos_(begin), end_(end), t_(0), tv_(tv), sv_(sv), dv_(dv), filt_(filt),
194  efilter_(efilter), efilter_data_(efilter_data)
195  {
196  if (pos_ == end_)
197  return;
199  t_ = (*sv_)[*pos_].succ;
200  inc_state_maybe_();
201  while (pos_ != end_ && ignore_current())
202  inc_();
203  }
205  scc_edge_iterator& operator++()
206  {
207  do
208  inc_();
209  while (pos_ != end_ && ignore_current());
210  return *this;
211  }
213  scc_edge_iterator operator++(int)
214  {
215  scc_edge_iterator old = *this;
216  ++*this;
217  return old;
218  }
220  bool operator==(scc_edge_iterator o) const
221  {
222  return pos_ == o.pos_ && t_ == o.t_;
223  }
225  bool operator!=(scc_edge_iterator o) const
226  {
227  return pos_ != o.pos_ || t_ != o.t_;
228  }
230  reference operator*() const
231  {
232  return (*tv_)[t_];
233  }
235  pointer operator->() const
236  {
237  return &**this;
238  }
239  };
242  template <typename Graph, typename Filter>
243  class SPOT_API scc_edges
244  {
245  public:
247  typedef typename iter_t::tv_t tv_t;
248  typedef typename iter_t::sv_t sv_t;
249  typedef typename iter_t::dv_t dv_t;
250  typedef typename iter_t::state_iterator state_iterator;
251  private:
252  state_iterator begin_;
253  state_iterator end_;
254  tv_t* tv_;
255  sv_t* sv_;
256  dv_t* dv_;
257  Filter filt_;
258  edge_filter efilter_;
259  void* efilter_data_;
260  public:
262  scc_edges(state_iterator begin, state_iterator end,
263  tv_t* tv, sv_t* sv, dv_t* dv, Filter filt,
264  edge_filter efilter, void* efilter_data) noexcept
265  : begin_(begin), end_(end), tv_(tv), sv_(sv), dv_(dv), filt_(filt),
266  efilter_(efilter), efilter_data_(efilter_data)
267  {
268  }
270  iter_t begin() const
271  {
272  return {begin_, end_, tv_, sv_, dv_, filt_, efilter_, efilter_data_};
273  }
275  iter_t end() const
276  {
277  return {end_, end_, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, filt_, nullptr, nullptr};
278  }
279  };
280  }
285  class SPOT_API scc_info_node
286  {
287  public:
288  typedef std::vector<unsigned> scc_succs;
289  friend class scc_info;
290  protected:
291  scc_succs succ_;
292  std::vector<unsigned> states_; // States of the component
293  unsigned one_state_;
294  acc_cond::mark_t acc_;
295  acc_cond::mark_t common_;
296  bool trivial_:1;
297  bool accepting_:1; // Necessarily accepting
298  bool rejecting_:1; // Necessarily rejecting
299  bool useful_:1;
300  public:
301  scc_info_node() noexcept:
302  acc_({}), trivial_(true), accepting_(false),
303  rejecting_(false), useful_(false)
304  {
305  }
308  acc_cond::mark_t common, bool trivial) noexcept
309  : acc_(acc), common_(common),
310  trivial_(trivial), accepting_(false),
311  rejecting_(false), useful_(false)
312  {
313  }
315  bool is_trivial() const
316  {
317  return trivial_;
318  }
325  bool is_accepting() const
326  {
327  return accepting_;
328  }
335  bool is_rejecting() const
336  {
337  return rejecting_;
338  }
340  bool is_useful() const
341  {
342  return useful_;
343  }
345  acc_cond::mark_t acc_marks() const
346  {
347  return acc_;
348  }
350  acc_cond::mark_t common_marks() const
351  {
352  return common_;
353  }
355  const std::vector<unsigned>& states() const
356  {
357  return states_;
358  }
360  unsigned one_state() const
361  {
362  return one_state_;
363  }
365  const scc_succs& succ() const
366  {
367  return succ_;
368  }
369  };
373  enum class scc_info_options
374  {
378  NONE = 0,
383  STOP_ON_ACC = 1,
388  TRACK_STATES = 2,
392  TRACK_SUCCS = 4,
398  };
400  inline
401  bool operator!(scc_info_options me)
402  {
403  return me == scc_info_options::NONE;
404  }
406  inline
407  scc_info_options operator&(scc_info_options left, scc_info_options right)
408  {
409  typedef std::underlying_type_t<scc_info_options> ut;
410  return static_cast<scc_info_options>(static_cast<ut>(left)
411  & static_cast<ut>(right));
412  }
414  inline
416  {
417  typedef std::underlying_type_t<scc_info_options> ut;
418  return static_cast<scc_info_options>(static_cast<ut>(left)
419  | static_cast<ut>(right));
420  }
422  class SPOT_API scc_and_mark_filter;
442  class SPOT_API scc_info
443  {
444  public:
445  // scc_node used to be an inner class, but Swig 3.0.10 does not
446  // support that yet.
447  typedef scc_info_node scc_node;
448  typedef scc_info_node::scc_succs scc_succs;
450  // These types used to be defined here in Spot up to 2.9.
454  protected:
456  std::vector<unsigned> sccof_;
457  std::vector<scc_node> node_;
458  const_twa_graph_ptr aut_;
459  unsigned initial_state_;
460  edge_filter filter_;
461  void* filter_data_;
462  int one_acc_scc_ = -1;
463  scc_info_options options_;
465  // Update the useful_ bits. Called automatically.
466  void determine_usefulness();
468  const scc_node& node(unsigned scc) const
469  {
470  return node_[scc];
471  }
473 #ifndef SWIG
474  private:
475  [[noreturn]] static void report_need_track_states();
476  [[noreturn]] static void report_need_track_succs();
477  [[noreturn]] static void report_incompatible_stop_on_acc();
478 #endif
480  public:
483  scc_info(const_twa_graph_ptr aut,
484  // Use ~0U instead of -1U to work around a bug in Swig.
485  // See
486  unsigned initial_state = ~0U,
487  edge_filter filter = nullptr,
488  void* filter_data = nullptr,
491  scc_info(const_twa_graph_ptr aut, scc_info_options options)
492  : scc_info(aut, ~0U, nullptr, nullptr, options)
493  {
494  }
504  // we separate the two functions so that we can rename
505  // scc_info(x,options) into scc_info_with_options(x,options) in Python.
506  // Otherwrise calling scc_info(aut,options) can be confused with
507  // scc_info(aut,initial_state).
509  : scc_info(filt, scc_info_options::ALL)
510  {
511  }
514  const_twa_graph_ptr get_aut() const
515  {
516  return aut_;
517  }
519  scc_info_options get_options() const
520  {
521  return options_;
522  }
524  edge_filter get_filter() const
525  {
526  return filter_;
527  }
529  void* get_filter_data() const
530  {
531  return filter_data_;
532  }
534  unsigned scc_count() const
535  {
536  return node_.size();
537  }
547  int one_accepting_scc() const
548  {
549  return one_acc_scc_;
550  }
552  bool reachable_state(unsigned st) const
553  {
554  return scc_of(st) != -1U;
555  }
557  unsigned scc_of(unsigned st) const
558  {
559  return sccof_[st];
560  }
562  std::vector<scc_node>::const_iterator begin() const
563  {
564  return node_.begin();
565  }
567  std::vector<scc_node>::const_iterator end() const
568  {
569  return node_.end();
570  }
572  std::vector<scc_node>::const_iterator cbegin() const
573  {
574  return node_.cbegin();
575  }
577  std::vector<scc_node>::const_iterator cend() const
578  {
579  return node_.cend();
580  }
582  std::vector<scc_node>::const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
583  {
584  return node_.rbegin();
585  }
587  std::vector<scc_node>::const_reverse_iterator rend() const
588  {
589  return node_.rend();
590  }
592  const std::vector<unsigned>& states_of(unsigned scc) const
593  {
594  if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(!(options_ & scc_info_options::TRACK_STATES)))
595  report_need_track_states();
596  return node(scc).states();
597  }
604  internal::scc_edges<const twa_graph::graph_t, internal::keep_all>
605  edges_of(unsigned scc) const
606  {
607  auto& states = states_of(scc);
608  return {states.begin(), states.end(),
609  &aut_->edge_vector(), &aut_->states(),
610  &aut_->get_graph().dests_vector(),
611  internal::keep_all(), filter_, const_cast<void*>(filter_data_)};
612  }
622  inner_edges_of(unsigned scc) const
623  {
624  auto& states = states_of(scc);
625  return {states.begin(), states.end(),
626  &aut_->edge_vector(), &aut_->states(),
627  &aut_->get_graph().dests_vector(),
628  internal::keep_inner_scc(sccof_, scc), filter_,
629  const_cast<void*>(filter_data_)};
630  }
632  unsigned one_state_of(unsigned scc) const
633  {
634  return node(scc).one_state();
635  }
638  unsigned initial() const
639  {
640  SPOT_ASSERT(filter_ || scc_count() - 1 == scc_of(initial_state_));
641  return scc_of(initial_state_);
642  }
644  const scc_succs& succ(unsigned scc) const
645  {
646  if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(!(options_ & scc_info_options::TRACK_SUCCS)))
647  report_need_track_succs();
648  return node(scc).succ();
649  }
651  bool is_trivial(unsigned scc) const
652  {
653  return node(scc).is_trivial();
654  }
656  SPOT_DEPRECATED("use acc_sets_of() instead")
657  acc_cond::mark_t acc(unsigned scc) const
658  {
659  return acc_sets_of(scc);
660  }
662  bool is_accepting_scc(unsigned scc) const
663  {
664  return node(scc).is_accepting();
665  }
667  bool is_rejecting_scc(unsigned scc) const
668  {
669  return node(scc).is_rejecting();
670  }
674  bool is_maximally_accepting_scc(unsigned scc) const
675  {
676  return aut_->acc().accepting(acc_sets_of(scc));
677  }
689  bool check_scc_emptiness(unsigned n) const;
698  void get_accepting_run(unsigned scc, twa_run_ptr r) const;
700  bool is_useful_scc(unsigned scc) const
701  {
702  if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(!!(options_ & scc_info_options::STOP_ON_ACC)))
703  report_incompatible_stop_on_acc();
704  if (SPOT_UNLIKELY(!(options_ & scc_info_options::TRACK_SUCCS)))
705  report_need_track_succs();
706  return node(scc).is_useful();
707  }
709  bool is_useful_state(unsigned st) const
710  {
711  return reachable_state(st) && is_useful_scc(scc_of(st));
712  }
716  std::vector<std::set<acc_cond::mark_t>> marks() const;
717  std::set<acc_cond::mark_t> marks_of(unsigned scc) const;
719  // Same as above, with old names.
720  SPOT_DEPRECATED("use marks() instead")
721  std::vector<std::set<acc_cond::mark_t>> used_acc() const
722  {
723  return marks();
724  }
725  SPOT_DEPRECATED("use marks_of() instead")
726  std::set<acc_cond::mark_t> used_acc_of(unsigned scc) const
727  {
728  return marks_of(scc);
729  }
734  acc_cond::mark_t acc_sets_of(unsigned scc) const
735  {
736  return node(scc).acc_marks();
737  }
741  acc_cond::mark_t common_sets_of(unsigned scc) const
742  {
743  return node(scc).common_marks();
744  }
746  std::vector<bool> weak_sccs() const;
748  bdd scc_ap_support(unsigned scc) const;
759  std::vector<twa_graph_ptr> split_on_sets(unsigned scc,
760  acc_cond::mark_t sets,
761  bool preserve_names = false) const;
762  protected:
764  void
766  acc_cond::mark_t all_fin,
767  acc_cond::mark_t all_inf,
768  unsigned nb_pairs,
769  std::vector<acc_cond::rs_pair>& pairs,
770  std::vector<unsigned>& res,
771  std::vector<unsigned>& old) const;
772  public:
777  std::vector<unsigned>
778  states_on_acc_cycle_of(unsigned scc) const;
779  };
787  class SPOT_API scc_and_mark_filter
788  {
789  protected:
790  const scc_info* lower_si_;
791  unsigned lower_scc_;
792  acc_cond::mark_t cut_sets_;
793  const_twa_graph_ptr aut_;
794  acc_cond old_acc_;
795  bool restore_old_acc_ = false;
796  const bitvect* keep_ = nullptr;
799  filter_scc_and_mark_(const twa_graph::edge_storage_t& e,
800  unsigned dst, void* data);
803  filter_mark_(const twa_graph::edge_storage_t& e, unsigned, void* data);
806  filter_scc_and_mark_and_edges_(const twa_graph::edge_storage_t& e,
807  unsigned dst, void* data);
809  public:
815  scc_and_mark_filter(const scc_info& lower_si,
816  unsigned lower_scc,
817  acc_cond::mark_t cut_sets)
818  : lower_si_(&lower_si), lower_scc_(lower_scc), cut_sets_(cut_sets),
819  aut_(lower_si_->get_aut()), old_acc_(aut_->get_acceptance())
820  {
821  auto f = lower_si.get_filter();
822  if (f == &filter_mark_
823  || f == &filter_scc_and_mark_
824  || f == &filter_scc_and_mark_and_edges_)
825  {
826  const void* data = lower_si.get_filter_data();
827  auto& d = *reinterpret_cast<const scc_and_mark_filter*>(data);
828  cut_sets_ |= d.cut_sets_;
829  if (f == &filter_scc_and_mark_and_edges_)
830  keep_ = d.keep_;
831  }
832  }
834  scc_and_mark_filter(const scc_info& lower_si,
835  unsigned lower_scc,
836  acc_cond::mark_t cut_sets,
837  const bitvect& keep)
838  : scc_and_mark_filter(lower_si, lower_scc, cut_sets)
839  {
840  keep_ = &keep;
841  }
847  scc_and_mark_filter(const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut,
848  acc_cond::mark_t cut_sets)
849  : lower_si_(nullptr), cut_sets_(cut_sets), aut_(aut),
850  old_acc_(aut_->get_acceptance())
851  {
852  }
855  {
856  restore_acceptance();
857  }
859  void override_acceptance(const acc_cond& new_acc)
860  {
861  std::const_pointer_cast<twa_graph>(aut_)->set_acceptance(new_acc);
862  restore_old_acc_ = true;
863  }
865  void restore_acceptance()
866  {
867  if (!restore_old_acc_)
868  return;
869  std::const_pointer_cast<twa_graph>(aut_)->set_acceptance(old_acc_);
870  restore_old_acc_ = false;
871  }
873  const_twa_graph_ptr get_aut() const
874  {
875  return aut_;
876  }
878  unsigned start_state() const
879  {
880  if (lower_si_)
881  return lower_si_->one_state_of(lower_scc_);
882  return aut_->get_init_state_number();
883  }
885  scc_info::edge_filter get_filter() const
886  {
887  if (keep_)
888  return filter_scc_and_mark_and_edges_;
889  if (lower_si_)
890  return filter_scc_and_mark_;
891  if (cut_sets_)
892  return filter_mark_;
893  return nullptr;
894  }
895  };
900  SPOT_API std::ostream&
901  dump_scc_info_dot(std::ostream& out,
902  const_twa_graph_ptr aut, scc_info* sccinfo = nullptr);
904 }
An acceptance condition.
Definition: acc.hh:62
A bit vector.
Definition: bitvect.hh:52
Definition: sccinfo.hh:103
Definition: sccinfo.hh:244
Create a filter for SCC and marks.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:788
scc_and_mark_filter(const const_twa_graph_ptr &aut, acc_cond::mark_t cut_sets)
Specify how to restrict scc_info to some acceptance sets.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:847
scc_and_mark_filter(const scc_info &lower_si, unsigned lower_scc, acc_cond::mark_t cut_sets)
Specify how to restrict scc_info to some SCC and acceptance sets.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:815
Storage for SCC related information.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:286
bool is_rejecting() const
True if we know that all cycles in the SCC are rejecting.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:335
bool is_accepting() const
True if we know that the SCC has an accepting cycle.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:325
Compute an SCC map and gather assorted information.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:443
scc_info(const_twa_graph_ptr aut, scc_info_options options)
Create the scc_info map for aut.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:491
bool is_maximally_accepting_scc(unsigned scc) const
Whether a cycle going through all edges of the SCC is accepting.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:674
int one_accepting_scc() const
Return the number of one accepting SCC if any, -1 otherwise.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:547
unsigned initial() const
Get number of the SCC containing the initial state.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:638
std::vector< unsigned > states_on_acc_cycle_of(unsigned scc) const
: Get all states visited by any accepting cycles of the 'scc'.
bool check_scc_emptiness(unsigned n) const
Recompute whether an SCC is accepting or not.
void determine_unknown_acceptance()
Study the SCCs that are currently reported neither as accepting nor as rejecting because of the prese...
void get_accepting_run(unsigned scc, twa_run_ptr r) const
Retrieves an accepting run of the automaton whose cycle is in the SCC.
internal::scc_edges< const twa_graph::graph_t, internal::keep_all > edges_of(unsigned scc) const
A fake container to iterate over all edges leaving any state of an SCC.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:605
internal::scc_edges< const twa_graph::graph_t, internal::keep_inner_scc > inner_edges_of(unsigned scc) const
A fake container to iterate over all edges between states of an SCC.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:622
scc_info(const_twa_graph_ptr aut, unsigned initial_state=~0U, edge_filter filter=nullptr, void *filter_data=nullptr, scc_info_options options=scc_info_options::ALL)
Create the scc_info map for aut.
scc_info(const scc_and_mark_filter &filt)
Create an scc_info map from some filter.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:508
void states_on_acc_cycle_of_rec(unsigned scc, acc_cond::mark_t all_fin, acc_cond::mark_t all_inf, unsigned nb_pairs, std::vector< acc_cond::rs_pair > &pairs, std::vector< unsigned > &res, std::vector< unsigned > &old) const
: Recursive function used by states_on_acc_cycle_of().
std::vector< std::set< acc_cond::mark_t > > marks() const
Returns, for each accepting SCC, the set of all marks appearing in it.
acc_cond::mark_t common_sets_of(unsigned scc) const
Definition: sccinfo.hh:741
std::vector< twa_graph_ptr > split_on_sets(unsigned scc, acc_cond::mark_t sets, bool preserve_names=false) const
Split an SCC into multiple automata separated by some acceptance sets.
acc_cond::mark_t acc_sets_of(unsigned scc) const
Returns, for a given SCC, the set of all colors appearing in it. It is the set of colors that appear ...
Definition: sccinfo.hh:734
scc_info(const scc_and_mark_filter &filt, scc_info_options options)
Create an scc_info map from some filter.
@ U
SPOT_DEPRECATED("use to_parity() instead") twa_graph_ptr iar(const const_twa_graph_ptr &aut
Turn a Rabin-like or Streett-like automaton into a parity automaton based on the index appearence rec...
edge_filter_choice(* edge_filter)(const twa_graph::edge_storage_t &e, unsigned dst, void *filter_data)
An edge_filter may be called on each edge to decide what to do with it.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:59
Options to alter the behavior of scc_info.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:374
An edge_filter may be called on each edge to decide what to do with it.
Definition: sccinfo.hh:57
Default behavior: explore everything and track states and succs.
Definition: automata.hh:27
std::ostream & dump_scc_info_dot(std::ostream &out, const_twa_graph_ptr aut, scc_info *sccinfo=nullptr)
Dump the SCC graph of aut on out.
const mc_rvalue operator|(const mc_rvalue &lhs, const mc_rvalue &rhs)
This function helps to find the output value from a set of threads that may have different values.
Definition: mc.hh:131
An acceptance mark.
Definition: acc.hh:85
Definition: graph.hh:188
Definition: sccinfo.hh:66
Definition: sccinfo.hh:77

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