spot 2.12.2
1// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2// Copyright (C) by the Spot authors, see the AUTHORS file for details.
4// This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6// Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
9// (at your option) any later version.
11// Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
13// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
14// License for more details.
16// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17// along with this program. If not, see <>.
19#pragma once
21#include <spot/twa/twagraph.hh>
22#include <spot/kripke/kripkegraph.hh>
23#include <spot/misc/location.hh>
24#include <spot/tl/defaultenv.hh>
25#include <string>
26#include <list>
27#include <utility>
28#include <iosfwd>
29#include <spot/misc/bitvect.hh>
31namespace spot
36#ifndef SWIG
38 typedef std::pair<spot::location, std::string> parse_aut_error;
40 typedef std::list<parse_aut_error> parse_aut_error_list;
42 // Turn parse_aut_error_list into an opaque type for Swig.
43 struct parse_aut_error_list {};
46 enum class parsed_aut_type {
47 HOA,
48 NeverClaim,
49 LBTT,
50 DRA, /* DSTAR format for Rabin */
51 DSA, /* DSTAR format for Streett */
52 PGAME, /* PG Solver Game */
53 Unknown };
56 struct SPOT_API parsed_aut final
57 {
64 twa_graph_ptr aut;
69 kripke_graph_ptr ks;
72 bool aborted = false;
74 spot::location loc;
76 parsed_aut_type type = parsed_aut_type::Unknown;
78 std::string filename;
85 parsed_aut(const std::string& str)
86 : filename(str)
87 {
88 }
92 bool format_errors(std::ostream& os);
93 };
95 typedef std::shared_ptr<parsed_aut> parsed_aut_ptr;
96 typedef std::shared_ptr<const parsed_aut> const_parsed_aut_ptr;
99 {
100 bool ignore_abort = false;
101 bool debug = false;
102 bool trust_hoa = true;
103 bool raise_errors = false;
104 bool want_kripke = false;
105 bool drop_false_edges = true;
106 };
133 class SPOT_API automaton_stream_parser final
134 {
135 spot::location last_loc;
136 std::string filename_;
138 void* scanner_;
139 public:
144 automaton_stream_parser(const std::string& filename,
145 automaton_parser_options opts = {});
154 automaton_stream_parser(int fd, const std::string& filename,
155 automaton_parser_options opts = {});
162 automaton_stream_parser(const char* data,
163 const std::string& filename,
164 automaton_parser_options opts = {});
183 parsed_aut_ptr parse(const bdd_dict_ptr& dict,
184 environment& env =
186 };
204 SPOT_API parsed_aut_ptr
205 parse_aut(const std::string& filename,
206 const bdd_dict_ptr& dict,
208 automaton_parser_options opts = {});
Parse a stream of automata.
Definition: public.hh:134
automaton_stream_parser(int fd, const std::string &filename, automaton_parser_options opts={})
Parse from an already opened file descriptor.
automaton_stream_parser(const std::string &filename, automaton_parser_options opts={})
Parse from a file.
parsed_aut_ptr parse(const bdd_dict_ptr &dict, environment &env=default_environment::instance())
Parse the next automaton in the stream.
automaton_stream_parser(const char *data, const std::string &filename, automaton_parser_options opts={})
Parse from a buffer.
static default_environment & instance()
Get the sole instance of spot::default_environment.
An environment that describes atomic propositions.
Definition: environment.hh:29
std::list< parse_aut_error > parse_aut_error_list
A list of parser diagnostics, as filled by parse.
Definition: public.hh:40
parsed_aut_ptr parse_aut(const std::string &filename, const bdd_dict_ptr &dict, environment &env=default_environment::instance(), automaton_parser_options opts={})
Read the first spot::twa_graph from a file.
std::pair< spot::location, std::string > parse_aut_error
A parse diagnostic with its location.
Definition: public.hh:38
Definition: automata.hh:26
Definition: public.hh:99
bool trust_hoa
Trust properties in HOA files.
Definition: public.hh:102
bool debug
Run the parser in debug mode?
Definition: public.hh:101
bool want_kripke
Parse as a Kripke structure.
Definition: public.hh:104
bool ignore_abort
Skip aborted automata.
Definition: public.hh:100
bool drop_false_edges
Drop edges with false labels.
Definition: public.hh:105
bool raise_errors
Raise errors as exceptions.
Definition: public.hh:103
Result of the automaton parser.
Definition: public.hh:57
spot::location loc
Location of the automaton in the stream.
Definition: public.hh:74
kripke_graph_ptr ks
The parsed kripke structure.
Definition: public.hh:69
bool format_errors(std::ostream &os)
Format diagnostics produced by spot::parse_aut.
parse_aut_error_list errors
Syntax errors that occurred during parsing.
Definition: public.hh:83
std::string filename
Name of the stream (used for displaying syntax errors)
Definition: public.hh:78
twa_graph_ptr aut
The parsed automaton.
Definition: public.hh:64

Please direct any question, comment, or bug report to the Spot mailing list at
Generated on Fri Feb 27 2015 10:00:07 for spot by doxygen 1.9.4