spot 2.12.2


class  spot::acc_cond
 An acceptance condition. More...
class  spot::bdd_dict
 Map BDD variables to formulae. More...
class  spot::state
 Abstract class for states. More...
struct  spot::state_ptr_less_than
 Strict Weak Ordering for state*. More...
struct  spot::state_ptr_equal
 An Equivalence Relation for state*. More...
struct  spot::state_ptr_hash
 Hash Function for state*. More...
class  spot::state_unicity_table
 Render state pointers unique via a hash table. More...
struct  spot::state_shared_ptr_less_than
 Strict Weak Ordering for shared_state (shared_ptr<const state*>). More...
struct  spot::state_shared_ptr_equal
 An Equivalence Relation for shared_state (shared_ptr<const state*>). More...
struct  spot::state_shared_ptr_hash
 Hash Function for shared_state (shared_ptr<const state*>). More...
class  spot::twa_succ_iterator
 Iterate over the successors of a state. More...
class  spot::twa
 A Transition-based ω-Automaton. More...

Detailed Description

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