spot 2.12.2


class  spot::fair_kripke_succ_iterator
 Iterator code for a Fair Kripke structure. More...
class  spot::fair_kripke
 Interface for a Fair Kripke structure. More...
class  spot::kripkecube< State, SuccIterator >
 This class is a template representation of a Kripke structure. It is composed of two template parameters: State represents a state of the Kripke structure, SuccIterator is an iterator over the (possible) successors of a state. More...
class  spot::is_a_kripkecube_ptr< T, State, SuccIter >
 This class allows to ensure (at compile time) if a given parameter is of type kripkecube. It also check if the iterator has the good interface. More...
class  spot::kripke_succ_iterator
 Iterator code for Kripke structure. More...
class  spot::kripke
 Interface for a Kripke structure. More...

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