spot 2.12.2
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1// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2// Copyright (C) by the Spot authors, see the AUTHORS file for details.
4// This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6// Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
9// (at your option) any later version.
11// Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
13// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
14// License for more details.
16// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17// along with this program. If not, see <>.
19#pragma once
21#include <atomic>
22#include <chrono>
23#include <spot/bricks/brick-hashset>
24#include <stdlib.h>
25#include <thread>
26#include <vector>
27#include <spot/misc/common.hh>
28#include <spot/kripke/kripke.hh>
29#include <spot/misc/fixpool.hh>
30#include <spot/misc/timer.hh>
31#include <spot/twacube/twacube.hh>
32#include <spot/twacube/fwd.hh>
33#include <spot/mc/mc.hh>
35namespace spot
42 template<typename State, typename SuccIterator,
43 typename StateHash, typename StateEqual,
44 typename Deadlock>
45 class SPOT_API swarmed_deadlock
46 {
48 enum st_status
49 {
50 UNKNOWN = 1, // First time this state is discoverd by this thread
51 OPEN = 2, // The state is currently processed by this thread
52 CLOSED = 4, // All the successors of this state have been visited
53 };
56 struct deadlock_pair
57 {
58 State st;
59 int* colors;
60 };
63 struct pair_hasher
64 {
65 pair_hasher(const deadlock_pair*)
66 { }
68 pair_hasher() = default;
70 brick::hash::hash128_t
71 hash(const deadlock_pair* lhs) const
72 {
73 StateHash hash;
74 // Not modulo 31 according to brick::hashset specifications.
75 unsigned u = hash(lhs->st) % (1<<30);
76 return {u, u};
77 }
79 bool equal(const deadlock_pair* lhs,
80 const deadlock_pair* rhs) const
81 {
82 StateEqual equal;
83 return equal(lhs->st, rhs->st);
84 }
85 };
87 static constexpr bool compute_deadlock =
88 std::is_same<std::true_type, Deadlock>::value;
90 public:
93 using shared_map = brick::hashset::FastConcurrent <deadlock_pair*,
94 pair_hasher>;
95 using shared_struct = shared_map;
97 static shared_struct* make_shared_structure(shared_map, unsigned)
98 {
99 return nullptr; // Useless
100 }
103 twacube_ptr, /* useless here */
104 shared_map& map, shared_struct* /* useless here */,
105 unsigned tid,
106 std::atomic<bool>& stop):
107 sys_(sys), tid_(tid), map_(map),
108 nb_th_(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()),
109 p_(sizeof(int)*std::thread::hardware_concurrency()),
110 p_pair_(sizeof(deadlock_pair)),
111 stop_(stop)
112 {
113 static_assert(spot::is_a_kripkecube_ptr<decltype(&sys),
114 State, SuccIterator>::value,
115 "error: does not match the kripkecube requirements");
116 SPOT_ASSERT(nb_th_ > tid);
117 }
119 virtual ~swarmed_deadlock()
120 {
121 while (!todo_.empty())
122 {
123 sys_.recycle(todo_.back().it, tid_);
124 todo_.pop_back();
125 }
126 }
128 void run()
129 {
130 setup();
131 State initial = sys_.initial(tid_);
132 if (SPOT_LIKELY(push(initial)))
133 {
134 todo_.push_back({initial, sys_.succ(initial, tid_), transitions_});
135 }
136 while (!todo_.empty() && !stop_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
137 {
138 if (todo_.back().it->done())
139 {
140 if (SPOT_LIKELY(pop()))
141 {
142 deadlock_ = todo_.back().current_tr == transitions_;
143 if (compute_deadlock && deadlock_)
144 break;
145 sys_.recycle(todo_.back().it, tid_);
146 todo_.pop_back();
147 }
148 }
149 else
150 {
151 ++transitions_;
152 State dst = todo_.back().it->state();
154 if (SPOT_LIKELY(push(dst)))
155 {
156 todo_.back().it->next();
157 todo_.push_back({dst, sys_.succ(dst, tid_), transitions_});
158 }
159 else
160 {
161 todo_.back().it->next();
162 }
163 }
164 }
165 finalize();
166 }
168 void setup()
169 {
170 tm_.start("DFS thread " + std::to_string(tid_));
171 }
173 bool push(State s)
174 {
175 // Prepare data for a newer allocation
176 int* ref = (int*) p_.allocate();
177 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nb_th_; ++i)
178 ref[i] = UNKNOWN;
180 // Try to insert the new state in the shared map.
181 deadlock_pair* v = (deadlock_pair*) p_pair_.allocate();
182 v->st = s;
183 v->colors = ref;
184 auto it = map_.insert(v);
185 bool b = it.isnew();
187 // Insertion failed, delete element
188 // FIXME Should we add a local cache to avoid useless allocations?
189 if (!b)
190 p_.deallocate(ref);
192 // The state has been mark dead by another thread
193 for (unsigned i = 0; !b && i < nb_th_; ++i)
194 if ((*it)->colors[i] == static_cast<int>(CLOSED))
195 return false;
197 // The state has already been visited by the current thread
198 if ((*it)->colors[tid_] == static_cast<int>(OPEN))
199 return false;
201 // Keep a ptr over the array of colors
202 refs_.push_back((*it)->colors);
204 // Mark state as visited.
205 (*it)->colors[tid_] = OPEN;
206 ++states_;
207 return true;
208 }
210 bool pop()
211 {
212 // Track maximum dfs size
213 dfs_ = todo_.size() > dfs_ ? todo_.size() : dfs_;
215 // Don't avoid pop but modify the status of the state
216 // during backtrack
217 refs_.back()[tid_] = CLOSED;
218 refs_.pop_back();
219 return true;
220 }
222 void finalize()
223 {
224 bool tst_val = false;
225 bool new_val = true;
226 bool exchanged = stop_.compare_exchange_strong(tst_val, new_val);
227 if (exchanged)
228 finisher_ = true;
229 tm_.stop("DFS thread " + std::to_string(tid_));
230 }
232 bool finisher()
233 {
234 return finisher_;
235 }
237 unsigned states()
238 {
239 return states_;
240 }
242 unsigned transitions()
243 {
244 return transitions_;
245 }
247 unsigned walltime()
248 {
249 return tm_.timer("DFS thread " + std::to_string(tid_)).walltime();
250 }
252 std::string name()
253 {
254 if (compute_deadlock)
255 return "deadlock";
256 return "reachability";
257 }
259 int sccs()
260 {
261 return -1;
262 }
264 mc_rvalue result()
265 {
266 if (compute_deadlock)
267 return deadlock_ ? mc_rvalue::DEADLOCK : mc_rvalue::NO_DEADLOCK;
268 return mc_rvalue::SUCCESS;
269 }
271 std::string trace()
272 {
273 std::string result;
274 for (auto& e: todo_)
275 result += sys_.to_string(e.s, tid_);
276 return result;
277 }
279 private:
280 struct todo_element
281 {
282 State s;
283 SuccIterator* it;
284 unsigned current_tr;
285 };
286 kripkecube<State, SuccIterator>& sys_;
287 std::vector<todo_element> todo_;
288 unsigned transitions_ = 0;
289 unsigned tid_;
290 shared_map map_;
291 spot::timer_map tm_;
292 unsigned states_ = 0;
293 unsigned dfs_ = 0;
295 unsigned nb_th_ = 0;
296 fixed_size_pool<pool_type::Unsafe> p_;
297 fixed_size_pool<pool_type::Unsafe> p_pair_;
298 bool deadlock_ = false;
299 std::atomic<bool>& stop_;
302 std::vector<int*> refs_;
303 bool finisher_ = false;
304 };
This class allows to ensure (at compile time) if a given parameter is of type kripkecube....
Definition: kripke.hh:71
This class is a template representation of a Kripke structure. It is composed of two template paramet...
Definition: kripke.hh:40
This class aims to explore a model to detect wether it contains a deadlock. This deadlock detection p...
Definition: deadlock.hh:46
brick::hashset::FastConcurrent< deadlock_pair *, pair_hasher > shared_map
Definition: deadlock.hh:94
A map of timer, where each timer has a name.
Definition: timer.hh:225
Definition: automata.hh:26
Definition: mc.hh:43
No deadlock has been found.
A deadlock has been found.
The Algorithm finished normally.

Please direct any question, comment, or bug report to the Spot mailing list at
Generated on Fri Feb 27 2015 10:00:07 for spot by doxygen 1.9.4