spot 2.12.2
This is the complete list of members for spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >, including all inherited members.
acc() const | spot::twa | inline |
acc() | spot::twa | inline |
acc_map_ (defined in spot::taa_tgba) | spot::taa_tgba | protected |
accepting_run() const | spot::twa | virtual |
accepting_word() const | spot::twa | virtual |
add_acceptance_condition(transition *t, formula f) (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | inline |
add_condition(transition *t, formula f) (defined in spot::taa_tgba) | spot::taa_tgba | |
all() | spot::twa | inlinestatic |
ap() const | spot::twa | inline |
ap_vars() const | spot::twa | inline |
const (defined in spot::twa) | spot::twa | |
copy_acceptance_of(const const_twa_ptr &a) | spot::twa | inline |
copy_ap_of(const const_twa_ptr &a) | spot::twa | inline |
copy_named_properties_of(const const_twa_ptr &a) | spot::twa | |
create_transition(const label &s, const std::vector< label > &d) (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | inline |
create_transition(const label &s, const label &d) (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | inline |
dict_ | spot::twa | protected |
exclusive_run(const_twa_ptr other) const | spot::twa | virtual |
exclusive_word(const_twa_ptr other) const | spot::twa | virtual |
format_state(const spot::state *s) const override | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | inlinevirtual |
get_acceptance() const | spot::twa | inline |
get_dict() const | spot::twa | inline |
get_init_state() const override final | spot::taa_tgba | virtual |
get_named_prop(std::string s) const | spot::twa | inline |
get_named_prop_(std::string s) const (defined in spot::twa) | spot::twa | protected |
get_or_set_named_prop(std::string s) | spot::twa | inline |
init_ (defined in spot::taa_tgba) | spot::taa_tgba | protected |
intersecting_run(const_twa_ptr other) const | spot::twa | virtual |
intersecting_run(other) (defined in spot::twa) | spot::twa | |
intersecting_word(const_twa_ptr other) const | spot::twa | virtual |
intersects(const_twa_ptr other) const | spot::twa | virtual |
intersects(const_twa_word_ptr w) const | spot::twa | virtual |
is (defined in spot::twa) | spot::twa | |
is_empty() const | spot::twa | virtual |
is_sba() const | spot::twa | inline |
iter_cache_ | spot::twa | mutableprotected |
label_t typedef (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | protected |
label_to_string(const label_t &lbl) const =0 | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | protectedpure virtual |
name_state_map_ (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | protected |
named_prop_ (defined in spot::twa) | spot::twa | protected |
ns_map typedef (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | protected |
num_sets() const | spot::twa | inline |
output(std::ostream &os) const | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | inline |
project_state(const state *s, const const_twa_ptr &t) const | spot::twa | virtual |
prop_complete() const | spot::twa | inline |
prop_complete(trival val) | spot::twa | inline |
prop_deterministic(trival val) (defined in spot::twa) | spot::twa | inline |
prop_deterministic() const (defined in spot::twa) | spot::twa | inline |
prop_inherently_weak() const | spot::twa | inline |
prop_inherently_weak(trival val) | spot::twa | inline |
prop_semi_deterministic() const | spot::twa | inline |
prop_semi_deterministic(trival val) | spot::twa | inline |
prop_state_acc() const | spot::twa | inline |
prop_state_acc(trival val) | spot::twa | inline |
prop_stutter_invariant() const | spot::twa | inline |
prop_stutter_invariant(trival val) | spot::twa | inline |
prop_terminal() const | spot::twa | inline |
prop_terminal(trival val) | spot::twa | inline |
prop_unambiguous() const | spot::twa | inline |
prop_unambiguous(trival val) | spot::twa | inline |
prop_universal() const | spot::twa | inline |
prop_universal(trival val) | spot::twa | inline |
prop_very_weak() const | spot::twa | inline |
prop_very_weak(trival val) | spot::twa | inline |
prop_weak() const | spot::twa | inline |
prop_weak(trival val) | spot::twa | inline |
props (defined in spot::twa) | spot::twa | |
register_ap(formula ap) | spot::twa | inline |
register_ap(std::string ap) | spot::twa | inline |
register_aps_from_dict() | spot::twa | inline |
release_iter(twa_succ_iterator *i) const | spot::twa | inline |
release_named_properties() | spot::twa | inline |
set_acceptance(unsigned num, const acc_cond::acc_code &c) | spot::twa | inline |
set_acceptance(const acc_cond &c) | spot::twa | inline |
set_buchi() | spot::twa | inline |
set_co_buchi() | spot::twa | inline |
set_generalized_buchi(unsigned num) | spot::twa | inline |
set_generalized_co_buchi(unsigned num) | spot::twa | inline |
set_init_state(const label &s) (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | inline |
set_init_state(const std::vector< label > &s) (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | inline |
set_named_prop(std::string s, void *val, std::function< void(void *)> destructor) | spot::twa | |
set_named_prop(std::string s, T *val) | spot::twa | inline |
set_named_prop(std::string s, std::nullptr_t) | spot::twa | |
sn_map typedef (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | protected |
SPOT_DEPRECATED("replace a->intersecting_run(b, true) " "by b->intersecting_run(a).") twa_run_ptr intersecting_run(const_twa_ptr other (defined in spot::twa) | spot::twa | |
ss_vec typedef (defined in spot::taa_tgba) | spot::taa_tgba | protected |
state typedef (defined in spot::taa_tgba) | spot::taa_tgba | |
state_name_map_ (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | protected |
state_set typedef (defined in spot::taa_tgba) | spot::taa_tgba | |
state_set_vec_ (defined in spot::taa_tgba) | spot::taa_tgba | protected |
succ(const state *s) const | spot::twa | inline |
succ_iter(const spot::state *state) const override final | spot::taa_tgba | virtual |
taa_tgba(const bdd_dict_ptr &dict) (defined in spot::taa_tgba) | spot::taa_tgba | |
taa_tgba_labelled(const bdd_dict_ptr &dict) (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | inline |
twa(const bdd_dict_ptr &d) (defined in spot::twa) | spot::twa | protected |
unregister_ap(int num) | spot::twa | |
~taa_tgba() | spot::taa_tgba | virtual |
~taa_tgba_labelled() (defined in spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label >) | spot::taa_tgba_labelled< label > | inline |
~twa() (defined in spot::twa) | spot::twa | virtual |