spot 2.12.2
This is the complete list of members for spot::ta_check, including all inherited members.
a_ | spot::ta_check | protected |
check(bool disable_second_pass=false, bool disable_heuristic_for_livelock_detection=false) | spot::ta_check | |
clear(hash_type &h, std::stack< pair_state_iter > todo, std::queue< const spot::state * > init_set) (defined in spot::ta_check) | spot::ta_check | protected |
clear(hash_type &h, std::stack< pair_state_iter > todo, spot::ta_succ_iterator *init_states_it) (defined in spot::ta_check) | spot::ta_check | protected |
dec_depth(unsigned n=1) (defined in spot::ec_statistics) | spot::ec_statistics | inline |
depth() const (defined in spot::ec_statistics) | spot::ec_statistics | inline |
ec_statistics() (defined in spot::ec_statistics) | spot::ec_statistics | inline |
get(const char *str) const (defined in spot::unsigned_statistics) | spot::unsigned_statistics | inline |
heuristic_livelock_detection(const state *stuttering_succ, hash_type &h, int h_livelock_root, std::set< const state *, state_ptr_less_than > liveset_curr) | spot::ta_check | protected |
inc_depth(unsigned n=1) (defined in spot::ec_statistics) | spot::ec_statistics | inline |
inc_states() (defined in spot::ec_statistics) | spot::ec_statistics | inline |
inc_transitions() (defined in spot::ec_statistics) | spot::ec_statistics | inline |
is_full_2_pass_ (defined in spot::ta_check) | spot::ta_check | protected |
livelock_detection(const const_ta_product_ptr &t) | spot::ta_check | |
max_depth() const (defined in spot::ec_statistics) | spot::ec_statistics | inline |
o_ | spot::ta_check | protected |
print_stats(std::ostream &os) const | spot::ta_check | |
scc (defined in spot::ta_check) | spot::ta_check | protected |
set_states(unsigned n) (defined in spot::ec_statistics) | spot::ec_statistics | inline |
sscc (defined in spot::ta_check) | spot::ta_check | protected |
states() const (defined in spot::ec_statistics) | spot::ec_statistics | inline |
stats (defined in spot::unsigned_statistics) | spot::unsigned_statistics | |
stats_map typedef (defined in spot::unsigned_statistics) | spot::unsigned_statistics | |
ta_check(const const_ta_product_ptr &a, option_map o=option_map()) (defined in spot::ta_check) | spot::ta_check | |
transitions() const (defined in spot::ec_statistics) | spot::ec_statistics | inline |
unsigned_fun typedef (defined in spot::unsigned_statistics) | spot::unsigned_statistics | |
~ta_check() (defined in spot::ta_check) | spot::ta_check | virtual |
~unsigned_statistics() (defined in spot::unsigned_statistics) | spot::unsigned_statistics | inlinevirtual |